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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Cheon Ridge, Hunting Grounds
September 4, 1975

Tᴏ ᴍʏ ᴍᴇʀᴄʏ, the men who were trying to assault me got thrown off. I was still light-headed with the happenings. Still, I tried my best to crawl away from the scuffle of men fighting each other, groans erupted in the air. I immediately look down on my outfit. Good thing, Yuna persuaded me to wear a hanfu underneath my hunting clothes, I sighed in relief. Then it struck me, this is not the time to be relaxed. I immediately continued to crawl backward. Jennie's guards were losing the upper hand two of them already perished under the other forces swords. The metallic scent of blood which I was used to making me sick, and it dawned to me that I slew humans with my own hands. I squinted my eyes to check who was fighting with Jennie's guards. Wait, they look familiar, is it-

I stopped from crawling backward when I heard a stick made a sound as if someone had stepped on it. I gulped and I don't know what came to me, I hyperventilated causing me to run out of oxygen; Clutching my chest to help me calm down, I slowly lose my consciousness and let the darkness take over me, I know I'll meet my demise here. I'm sorry Yeonjun, Soobin, and Father it seems I'll have to break my promise. . .

Two loud voices were ringing in my ears both of the voices were trying to talk over the other. Another one came from a corner considering how small and meek it sounded, it was trying to stop the people who were fighting. I groaned meekly; turning my head to the side and slowly opened my eyes to check where I am. Everything around me was blurry, I could see two silhouettes at the bottom of the bed I was lying, they were on each other throats. On the side, of the silhouettes was another one trying to break them off, and a girl was crying was silently crying beside my bed.

"Y-Yuna?" I tried my best to create a clear voice, albeit being weak and dehydrated. I presumed it was Yuna who was crying beside my bed. It seemed she heard my croak because she immediately went to her knees and clutched my right hand and placed it on her tear-stained cheeks.

"YOUR GRACE! THANK THE HEAVENS YOUR OKAY!" Yuna wailed loudly, her wails miraculously stopped the bickering in front of my bed. I silently thanked Yuna on my head, the fighting was causing my headache to pulse harder.

"RYUJIN!" Yeonjun screamed in relief, it seemed he was one of the voices who was fighting earlier. Then, who was the one he was quarreling? I squinted and blinked my eyes repeatedly to help my vision back to normal.

"Get out, Ryujin needs rest. You can't just shout like that." A soft-spoken voice enunciated, I know who owns that voice, it was Soobin and I heard Yeonjun muttered under his breath. "Shut the fuck up.". I unknowingly smiled at Soobin's remark. Yes, I do need rest to process everything. . . WAIT! DID THOSE GUARDS TOUCHED ME?!

And it all came crashing down on me. Who saved me? How did Yeonjun and the rest find me? What happened after I lose consciousness? And where am I? I harshly took my right hand away from Yuna's hands and instinctively wrapped around my body.

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