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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Rehe Temporary Palace, Hebei
January 16, 1745

ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʀᴀᴜᴍᴀᴛɪᴢɪɴɢ event last night, I vaguely remembered Soobin carrying me back to my room. I was too tired to move a single inch of my muscles, he carefully placed me in my bed I was expecting that he would leave as soon as he helps me settle in my bed, but I was wrong he sat at the corner of my bed. His face was sketched with worry, I know he was crying because he held my hand and I felt warm drops falling at the back of my hands. I know he stayed at my side the whole night. His actions, his attitude, his temperament, and his will they feel somewhat familiar, I couldn't guess why but Soobin is making me remember Junkyu. As if Junkyu was the one who was looking out for me.

The soft rays of the sun were kissing my face. Slowly, I opened my eyes and let my surroundings sink in, I was alone. The damage done to my room wasn't evident, the wax paper of the windows was torn, my hanfus inside the lacquered box was rummaged, the enamel vases around my room were toppled over. I quickly stood up, but a heart-piercing pain immediately runs across my whole body causing me to scream. My servants who seemed to be waiting outside frantically rushed inside the room. Once my eyes landed on them, I teared up, I thought I've lost all of them last night and Yeonjun didn't have the time to assign me new servants to clean up my room.

"Your Highness! Are you okay?" Yuna immediately run up to me and checked my body, she seemed to forget that we're not in Joseon anymore. I didn't answer her, I just kept crying the events last night gave me a trauma.

Due to my excessive crying, Nakyung ran up to me and hugged me. She carefully caressed my hair and patting my back.

"Chaeyoung can you kindly call for the physician to come here and tell him Her Ladyship Lee is awake?"  Yuna ordered in which Chaeyoung immediately did, she left hastily.

"Then I should clean the room before the physician comes, Kai can you lend me a hand?" Xiyeon chided.

Kai nodded and both of them started to pick up the broken pieces of the enamel vases, they were busy tidying up my room. After a moment, the physician came to my room and two other Imperial physicians on his tow. My servants swiftly left my room without making any sounds. The physicians were thoroughly checking my body, asking me questions here and there before calling my head maid, Yuna.

"Yes, Imperial Physician. How's the condition of Her Ladyship." 

The oldest of the three physicians answered, "There's nothing too serious in Her Ladyship's condition, a little bit of bruise on the hips, forearms, and abdomen. Apply this ointment for 2 weeks" He handed the ointment to Yuna. "Also, massage Her Ladyship's shoulder every night."

"I see. Are there any other conditions you have checked on?" 

"Yes, she's experiencing a short scale of trauma due to her near-death experience last night. We would advise that you should burn Zizyphus, White Peony Root, Lovage Root on the incense burner in a span of 2 weeks to help her muscles to relax, to prevent depressive symptoms, to calm muscle tenseness and spasms." The physician on the left noted.

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