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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Hall of Supreme Harmony, Forbidden City
September 23, 1745

"⸺Uɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅ. Sʜᴇ'ʟʟ ᴡᴀɴᴛ to visit her family."

"If she does, it can only be for a day at the most, but she's carrying the sole Imperial Child, not to mention the people are fond of her. It would be very inconvenient if she died."

I stood outside the hall where the ministers, prime minister, and Yeonjun were discussing. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Soobin and Taehyun went inside the hall, late. Their voices were muted, and I realized they're purposely speaking in a low tone to avoid me hearing their discussions.

"That won't be enough. If we were to count the days for her to arrive at her hometown. She loved her father dearly; she'll want time," Yeonjun argued.

With that it caused a chorus of disagreement and agreement between ministers, the whole hall was filled with the cacophony of muffled sounds. I looked at Yuna and Kai who were trying to decipher the exchange of discussion inside the hall.

"Halt. Fine, Your Majesty," the prime minister huffed. "Four days. That's it. Any objection?"

There was a pause before Yeonjun spoke again. "I want to go with her."

Once again, the whole hall erupted into a disagreement with the rebel forces (Maeback House) who were working in the shadows to claim Yeonjun's life, it was no wonder why the ministers disagreed with Yeonjun's request.

"Your Majesty, that request isn't plausible as of the moment." Taehyun's voice rang and a series of grunts and hums followed obviously from the ministers.

"Your Majesty, it would be best for you to stay in the palace to avoid further implications to the throne." Soobin confided with Taehyun's opinion.

"We're down to four, Soobin. That girl might be the Empress of the nation. Am I supposed to send her alone?" Yeonjun's voice raised a tone higher, the ministers who were trying to give their opinions immediately closed their mouths.

"Yes! If she dies, it's one thing. If you die, it's a whole other issue. You're staying here, Your Majesty." The prime minister interjected his tone wasn't an issue to me, but for Yeonjun it was.

I heard something like a fist hitting a table, Yuna, Kai, and I jumped at the sound. "I am not a commodity! And neither are they! I wish for once you lots would look at me and see me as a normal human being."

"For once, we did, we always did, Your Majesty. But this is a matter of fact that you shouldn't go outside with the rebels making moves on taking you down. We could arrange someone that would accompany Her Worship."

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