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𝐺𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠;

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟 𝑂 𝑛 𝑒

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟    𝑂 𝑛 𝑒

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𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡; 1139


"Tyler Matthew Brown, Adriana Rosà Williams, Carlos Mena Lòpez, Mariana Ryland Martìnez, Jocelyn Mae Oliver, Zara Abdullah, MJ Sims, Naomi Lee KIm, and Lexi Amour Stevens report to headquarters," a loud intercom over Roy-Stevenson University called out. "I repeat, Tyler Matthew Brown, Adriana Rosà Williams, Carlos Mena Lòpez, Mariana Ryland Martìnez, Jocelyn Mae Oliver, Zara Abdullah, MJ Sims, Naomi Lee KIm, and Lexi Amour Stevens report to headquarters immediately!"

The young adults were all scattered around campus, confused as to what they did or what they were being called for, on an Exam day. Though they all headed to the their destined transportation, some car-pooling with each other, and made there way to downtown Roy-Stevenson, where the headquarters was located.

Roy-Stevenson was a city's name, on an island in the middle of the forbidden sea. The forbidden sea was off limits in each form of government on Earth. Drones that have tried to pass have ended up destroyed, aircrafts that tried to hover over to get a glimpse have never made it back and ships, well ships and the people on it were bombed by minors on Jet-skis. Roy-Stevenson was named after our founder Michael Roy-Edward-Stevenson in 1745, children in grade six history are currently learning about our past along with our geography.

In Roy-Stevenson, you will be in groups and take classes in Roy-Stevenson University by what you are unique to. Every single human by age eighteen has something they are unique to, they go from places like makeup-artist and a fashion-stylist or a hitman and a gun-man or someone who changes fingerprints and identities.

The two best friends who found each other in hacking1 in grade nine, Carols and Mariana chatted amongst themselves as they made their way into the front lobby of the tallest building in the city, headquarters.

"I've never seen them before," Carlos said nodding over to the other young adults waiting by the front desk.

"I'm scared," Mariana mumbled hitting her lip.

"You're always scared," Carlos laughed.

"Now that you all are here," Mrs. Rodriguez said in a thick Spanish accent. "Here are you case files," the sweet old lady handed out a thick manilla folder. "Simon is waiting in his office to go over this."

"Thank you," a few of the young adults mumbled as the nine made their way to the elevator clicking on the 52nd floor.

"Do you know what this is for?" A girl with a hijab asked looking through her manilla folder.

"No, but whatever it is I think I'm leading it," a tall man who looked a little older then the rest spoke up as he shuffled through his papers. "I'm Tyler, by the way."

"I'm Adriana, I role play," a beautiful Mexican brunette girl said.

"I'm Mariana and this is Carlos," another pretty Cuban brunette said, nodding towards an El Salvador boy. "We hack stuff."

"I'm Zara," The Bengali hijabi said. "Im a quick thinker, I have the brains."

"I'm Jocelyn," A blonde, that had total drip on, said with a German accent. "I'm a stylist, and I do makeup and hair."

"I'm Naomi," a Korean dark haired girl said. "I have really good eyes, I'm a look out."

"I'm MJ, I'm really good with guns," a tall muscular chocolate skin guy said with a laugh. "And I have good defensive skills."

"I'm Lexi and Compared to you guys," a French blonde girl laughed. "My job sucks."

"What is it?" Adriana asked giggling.

"I'm aLao an actress, but I'm someone who uses prostitution," she laughed.

"That's still cool tho," Naomi said. "I'm a freakin look out."

"Well well well, I see you all have already met each other," a deep voice spoke as the elevator door opened, startling a few. The tall grey haired man that went by Simon clapped his hands together as the nine fellow residents exited the elevator. "I am on a time-crunch so let's hurry this up." Simon guides the group to his glass office. "You have your folders explaining your role and what is expected from each and every one of you guys." He smiles taking a seat nodding to the nines seats across from his desk, having the group do the same.

"What exactly is it, that you want us to do?" Jocelyn asked.

"I will go over that briefly," he forced a smiled. "You all are going on a mission out of the city-" Simon was quickly cut of by a bunch of screams and celebration. "Quiet!" He said loudly making the room go quite. "You are the best in your field-in your age group." He looks down at his laptop. "You are going to the America, Los Angeles California to be precise. You are on a hit-list mission. There are two people that need to be executed, one might already be dead by the time you get to America the other is all yours. Though, there is a catch."

"What is it?" Tyler asked.

"You have two years, there is no-time to waste," he says seriously. "Adriana, this will be further explained but you will have to become his love and get information from him and technology that Carlos and Mariana can hack into. This information is vital to us."

"Why do we need two years? That's a lot of time," Lexi asked raising an eyebrow.

"Letting your guards down to fall in love with a girl you've never seen before while associating with a multi-million dollar organization doesn't happen in the snap of a finger," he says. "And before I excuse you guys to say goodbye to family for now, I want one thing to be clear!" He takes a deep breathe. "You are coming back, I don't care if you like it there. After two years, tomorrow you will be back in Roy-Stevenson. And if anybody tampers with the evidence," he holds up a finger, "you will be brought back immediately as a person of interest and here, people of interest don't leave our prisons alive. If we have any news we will communicate with you through people we have around the state. Also, Adriana I know this isn't some cliché but your feelings are going to be fake and it's going to stay fake. Now, go say your goodbyes and study your file thoroughly, your flight leaves at midnight. You are dismissed."

"Wait!" Mariana shouts.


"What about exams?" She asked concerned. "Mom will kill me, if-"

"Mariana, you pass this mission you pass in life. Exams only tells you what you will have to do. Missions show you. Now you are all dismissed, I'll see you before take-off."

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝗼𝐬𝐞𝐬; 𝐂𝐌𝐁Where stories live. Discover now