🌥: 25

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𝐺𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠;

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟    𝑇 𝑤 𝑒 𝑛 𝑡 𝑦 - 𝑓 𝑜 𝑢 𝑟

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟    𝑇 𝑤 𝑒 𝑛 𝑡 𝑦 - 𝑓 𝑜 𝑢 𝑟

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𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡; 3,524


"So do you always sleep with him?" Joshua asked as he drove to the nearest ice cream shop. The car ride was quite until he decided to speak up.

"Josh, I'm done arguing about this," Adriana rolled her eyes, pulling her shorts down a little. She was dressed in loose purple shorts and a white tube-top. She had paired it with some basic white vans.

"Well I'm not," Josh slammed his hands on the staring wheel. "Was it really necessary to have sex with him?"

"He wanted to!" Adriana lied.

"I saw you call him in," Josh said bitterly.

"So you're spying on me now?" Adriana rose an eyebrow. "What happened to you understanding me not wanting to let down Simon? Simon wanted fucking lust. What Simon wants, Simon gets!"

"This isn't about letting anyone down! You love that guy Adriana! I already know it!"

"I'm suppose to act like I love the guy!" Adriana yelled back. "And clearly it's working because I've fooled my own fucking boyfriend."

"Don't even pull the acting card Adriana," Joshua rolled his eyes. "I've known you since you were still developing that tiny little heart of yours in your mother!"

Adrianas eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, I'll just tell Simon that the amazing jOsHuA bAtEs doesn't want me to follow his orders."

"You're acting's like a bitch Adriana," Joshua rolled his eyes.

"I'm the one acting like a bitch?" Adriana asked practically screaming as her voice cracked. "You're the one throwing me down because of my job Josh," Adriana wiped a fallen tear.

"How many times did you think of me?" Joshua asked, making Adrianas heart drop. The girl really didn't think of her boyfriend most of the time she was with the blonde boy. Whenever she was with Corbyn, she was too busy collecting information and she was always too distracted by Corbyns ocean eyes and laughter. "How many fucking times did you think about your boyfriend back home?!" He snickered. "Oh wait, you didn't!"

"I did, I did," Adriana lied as tears fell down her face, she could already tell her mascara was messed up.

"Fucking lie to me Adriana, as damn fucking usual!" Joshua yelled at her making her slightly jump.

"I always thought of you, it was always that you'd forgive me for doing those things!" Adriana only particularly lied. "You even said you were gonna be fine as long as he died afterwards Josh! You said that to my face! Why is this suddenly different?!"

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝗼𝐬𝐞𝐬; 𝐂𝐌𝐁Where stories live. Discover now