🌥: 11

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𝐺𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠;

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟 𝑇 𝑒 𝑛

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟    𝑇 𝑒 𝑛

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𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡; 749


"How was it with Jack?" Zara asked with a smile as Adriana walked into the house.

"All of his friends showed up," Adriana smiled. "They didn't slip anything, not even the slightest bit."

"What about Corbyn?" MJ asked. "Can I kill him yet?"

"No, we didn't get anything yet," Naomi said with an eye roll. "But his fake working status."

"Where was Corbyn?" Carlos asked. "Was he with you?"

"No, they said something with work came up," Adriana shrugged.

"Guess what we just got the technology for," Mariana said with a smile, making Carlos do the same.

"What?" Adriana asked sitting next to the two at the kitchen table.

"We can hack into Corbyns phone for information, just by the use of his phone number," Carlos said proudly.

"What is his phone number?" Mariana asked, making Adriana pull her phone out and display the contact information.


"This is useless," Mariana groaned. It was exactly midnight, Zara, Joselyn, Lexi and MJ were all asleep but Mariana herself, Adriana and Carlos. Carlos and Mariana had tried their best but all they could find on Corbyn phone was Adriana and bunch of other numbers that led to innocents along with useless information that led them to nowhere.

"He has to have another phone," Carlos said. "There's no way, we went through every single firewall."

"Why would he put up so many security forces for nothing?" Adriana asked as Carlos handed her iphone back.

"That's what ima trying to figure out," he said running his finger through his curly hair. "It makes no sense."

"Guys we've been here for weeks and we have absolutely nothing," Adriana groaned.

"But his fake occupation like Naomi said," Mariana said. "And I'm starving."

"Me too," Adriana and Carlos said at the same time, making all three laugh.

"Wanna go get food?" Adriana asked making the two hackers nod and laugh.


"Hey Adriana!" The three heard someone call from the other side of MCDonalds.

Their heads snapped to the direction to see Zach and a guy with orangey-brown hair.

"Why are you awake?" Adriana asked with a laugh as the two made their way over.

"I couldn't sleep with an empty stomach," Zach shrugged.

"Who's your friend?" Adriana asked.

"This is Jordan, Corbyns brother. What about you?"

"Um, this is Mariana and Carlos," Adriana said looking Corbyns brother up and down.

"What brings you here?" Zach asked sliding in, so he's seated next to her as Jordan stood awkwardly.

"Same thing," Adriana nodded.

"Oh Jordan," Zach said. "This is Corbyns girl by the by."

"Corbyns girl?" Adriana laughed.

"Yeah," Zach nodded.

"More like apprentice," Mariana giggled at Adriana. "If anything, he's my friend."

"Damn, she just friend zoned your brother as if we didn't read her and Jacks text messages," Zach said to Jordan making Adriana gasp.

"Well the way you eyed me," Jordan smirked. "Makes me think you like me more."

"More? More then what?" Adriana asked.

"Then Corbyn obviously," Jordan said with a flirtatious look in his eyes. "I am so much more of a ladies man."

"Is that so?" Adriana played along making Zach scrunch his eyebrows.

"Imma take you out," Jordan said pulling Zach out the booth and sliding in himself. "If you have fun, you stay."

"What makes you think I'll let that happen," Adriana folded her hand and put them under her chair as she stared at Jordan, giving him a teasing look.

"Corbyns nothing you'd want to stay and wait for Princess," Jordan smirked. "I have a whole ten inches just waiting for you." Carlos eyes went wide as she gagged in disgust.

"Ten?" Adriana raised an eyebrow. "Throwing your brother under the bus doesn't come with big dick energy, sir."

Jordan's eyes went wide for a second. "It is what it is."

"It's not," Adriana shook his head. "If I give you a chance, the only big thing I'll be riding is your ego and I'm really fine without it. Thanks for the offer."

"You really want Corbyn?" Jordan laughed. "I'm telling you one more time princess, you will regret it." Then he leaned down to whisper in Adrianas ear, "especially in bed."

"Why do you know that?" Adriana asked with an eye roll. Did completing the mission really include a douche bag brother?

"Let's just say girls don't leave too happy," Jordan smirked.

"Guess I'll be the first." The girl shrugged.

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