🌥: 15

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𝐺𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠;

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟  𝐹 𝑜 𝑢 𝑟 𝑡 𝑒 𝑒 𝑛

𝐶 ℎ 𝑎 𝑝 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟  𝐹 𝑜 𝑢 𝑟 𝑡 𝑒 𝑒 𝑛

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𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡; 758


"No, no," Adriana screamed falling down onto the floor, next to Corbyn who tried to sit up.

"I'm fine- I'm fine," Corbyn groaned putting his hand on his stomach to stop the bleeding. "Your fr-free to go n-now." Adriana looked at Corbyn in horror.

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod," Adriana said over and over again seeing Corbyns bleeding only getting worse.

Adriana got up and ran out the room leaving Corbyn laying there in pain. Corbyn wasn't surprised Jordan pulled the trigger and he certainly wasn't surprised that he got shot by none of them his brother himself. Jordan wanted Corbyn dead as soon as the boys father put the Organization under Corbyns name and not his.

Corbyn never said anything to Jordan, Corbyn truly cared for his little brother, though the feelings weren't mutual. Anything Jordan wanted, Jordan got. Obviously other then Corbyns most pride possessions, the organization itself.

Corbyn also wasn't surprised that Adriana took this as a time to leave, after all he did practically let his brother tortured her in front of him.

While Corbyns vision went blurry and he started closing his eyes he heard screaming and people running over.

"Corbyn!" He heard Jack yell. "Wake up dude!" Jack shook Corbyns face making Corbyn open his eyes a little. He saw Adriana and smiled a little.

"Im," Corbyn took a deep breathe. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just a little," Corbyns eyes started closing again.

"I'll go get medical help," Jack said standing up. "You put pressure on his wound. Don't let him close his eyes." With that Jack left the room.

"Corbyn," Adriana said shaking him as she moved his hands from his stomach.

"You can leave," Corbyn let out a loud groan as she pushed her hands on his stomach. Corbyn shut his eyes in pain.

"Stop!" She screamed making him slowly open his eyes again. "Please don't close your eyes!" Tears were once again streaming down Adrianas face.

Corbyn frowned looking at Adriana as she readjusted her hands. With his hand that was still covered in his blood, Corbyn moved the hair out of Adrianas face. This made the two lock eye contact. Adriana could see the pain in Corbyns eyes that he was trying not to react to. Corbyn could see the fear in Adrianas eyes, little did he know it was the fear of losing him.

"I'm sorry," Corbyn said holding Adrianas wrist a pulling it off.

"What are you-"

"Jordan's not going to let you leave if you don't leave now," he said putting her other hand off making her pull away her wrists from him.

"I don't care," Adriana said replacing her hands. Corbyn shut his eyes putting his head back.

"I'm sorry for everything," a tear fell down Corbyns cheek.

"No," Adriana shook her head she straddled over Corbyn so she could more comfortably apply pressure, though she couldn't hold it more. "Jack! Jack where are you?!"

Adriana looked at Corbyn, he was laying there under the girl. His hands by his side. He wasn't wearing the hoodie anymore but a matching white t-shirt. His white clothes were all covered in blood, his blood. He was just staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Corbyn swallowed, closing his eyes.

"No, Corbyn," Adriana shook him making his eyes open once again. "I-I hope you know, that-that I never truly blamed you for any of this. I-I was just a little scared. I-I know this was out of your control and your brothers a little out of your mind. I-I know this isn't, any of this, is your fault C-Corbyn." Adriana didn't know if she was scared to disappoint Simon or if she was scared to lose Corbyn. Either way she needed this boy to live longer.

Corbyn shuffled a little under her, digging in his jeans pocket, "h-here Adriana." Adriana looked at Corbyns hand and saw the same rose he gave her before. It was a little squished and lost a few petals but it still held meaning. Adriana watched Corbyn as his arms dropped along with the rose.

"P-please don't leave me Corbs." Though this time Corbyns eyes wouldn't open again.

"We're here!" Jack screamed coming with a bunch of people in medics uniform and equipment. Adriana watched as they grabbed the blonde boy and placed him on the table rolling him away.

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