The Need To Pee

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    Stray rays of sunlight slipped past the curtains of the dingy apartment. The occupants of the building groaned in displeasure, turning over to avoid the offensive light.

       I sighed as my bladder protested the thought of going back to sleep. Sitting up I turned my head to look at my sleeping bedmate.

     His golden hair was a mess of tangles, he was adorable as he slept, I couldn’t wait to ruin his peaceful slumber.

      “Naruto wake up.” I spoke gruffly and as loud as I could manage in the morning. Naruto groaned and rubbed his face into the pillow.

      I rolled my eyes and got out of the old bed, it’s springs squeaked in protest. 

     As I made my way through the apartment-- stumbling and bumping into walls along the way-- I couldn’t help but think about what will happen today, the day the Academy assigns your Jounin Sensei.

     The ones you’ll have till you reach chunin--or die. 

      Before I realized it I was in the shower scrubbing my hair with shampoo.

     ‘What Sensei would Naruto and I get? Will he be fair to my golden boy?’

      I couldn’t wait till we started receiving payment for our services. Then I could get Naruto out of here. Out of this God-forsaken apartment.

      No one else will take Naruto in their apartment complex, but they will take me. The apartment would be in my name, and Naruto can live with me. But once the landlord signs the contract, they won’t be able to do a thing.

       They can try to kick me out, but they’ll yield to their Lord, and I just so happen to be quite close with him.

    And I’m not below exploiting that.

    Unlike Naruto.  

    Once done in the shower I finished getting ready and went to wake Naruto up.

      I have been living with him since I stopped being able to pay my landlord three months ago. I knew Naruto from the Academy but never really knew him. Until he found me wandering the streets.

      Ever since then we’ve been inseparable, basically joined at the hip.

       Walking into the bedroom I find Naruto hugging the pillow, body trembling and eyebrows furrowed. He was mumbling something I couldn’t decipher, though I could guess what it was.

      It was obvious he was having another nightmare.

     While the Villagers don’t usually physically torment him, their verbal and mental abuse is just as bad.

    Discrimination, oppression, rejection.

     Their cruel eyes hunted him everywhere, haunting his mind till it was a jumbled mess of anxiety.   

       I walked over quickly-- careful not to wake him-- before wrapping my arms around his limp body, shushing him. I cursed the ones who did this to him, for tearing him down and not expecting any retaliation. The only reason I haven’t burned down their homes is because this stupid angel won’t let me. The Villagers hate Naruto, and some law kept me from knowing why. 
      I can’t understand how anyone could hate Naruto. Sure he can be annoying and overly rambunctious. But so were most kids, and the adults never call them monster or demon.

     If they weren’t so blinded by whatever narrow-mindedness chained them, then they could see how amazing Naruto truly is.

       My arms tightened protectively around the fragile boy, his body and mind seemed to slowly start to wake.

     Naruto was like plastic, not easy to break but is easily scratched and smudged, something so beautiful shouldn’t be dirtied like this. 

     Last night Naruto came home late, crying large fat baby tears that rolled off his cheeks in a stream of pain. He wouldn’t tell me what happened, just held me tightly, never letting up, even after his tears dried.

     I had vowed to find out, but he wouldn’t budge.

    He would just turn away and say “I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

    Naruto sniffed and shifted from my arms, pulling me from the memory. 
He sat up face red from embarrassment,

“Sorry.” He mumbled, just like every time he had a nightmare and woke in my arms.

    I nodded before responding with,
“Get ready. I’ll make breakfast.”

     I stood up and walked to the tiny kitchen. While I missed my old place, I wouldn’t trade being with Naruto for it. Looking through the pantry I decided to make Oatmeal, Naruto came stumbling through the doorway of our bedroom and down the hall towards the bathroom.   

     Soon Naruto came out looking refreshed, a smile on his face.
    “Thanks (Y/N).”

    He sat across from me and dived into the food. I turned to the clock and cursed. 

     “Fuck, hurry the hell up or we’ll be late!”
    After finishing breakfast we grabbed our things and sprinted to the Academy. 

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