1,000 Years of Pain Maybe?

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    "But there’s only two bells?” Sakura looked as confused as ever, concern was pricking at her expression.

   Kakashi nodded.

    “Which means two of you will go back to the academy. So come at me with the intent to kill.”

   Kakashi tied the bells around his belt loop.


   We all dashed into the coverage. All except for Naruto.

   ‘Fuck! What is that idiot doing?’

   Kakashi pulled out that book again, reading lazily all the while gracefully and effortlessly dodging every attack Naruto and his shadow clones threw at him.

    ‘He’s a jonin Naruto! We’re barely made genin!’

    I was forming a hasty plan, but first I need to get Naruto away from him.

    Quickly I set up some traps.

     Eventually the shadow clones disappeared and I took that as a chance to pull the string, quickly performing a Bushi no Jutsu on the kunais that sprang from the trap.

    Giving the illusion of even more knives then there really was.

    ‘He shouldn’t know which are which right away.’

    I performed a Kawarimi no Jutsu with one of the kunai as it got closer to Kakashi's face.

   Once flying towards the Jonin I swung my foot, he dogged and swept around me, the kunai continuing to fly towards him. 

    I switched places with a kunai that landed next to his foot.

   Once there I tried to sweep his feet. He jumped and landed further backwards.

    Naruto came after him from behind with a kick to the head.

    It was just like that for a few minutes. Naruto aiming for the head while I attacked the legs; Kakashi reading his book the whole time, never looking up. I cursed and backed off. 

   “Naruto. We don’t stand a chance by ourselves. Not without a plan.”

   I was panting now, Kakashi just stood there with his book. Like he has no interest in this.

    ‘Fucking asshole.’

    “What should we do?” Naruto asked coming to stand beside me  

    “Strategic retreat.”
     I grabbed Naruto and took off without waiting for his reply.

    Once we were in the camouflage of greenery I let go and started planning.

    “We need to find Sasuke and Sakura. Whether any of us like it or not we’re no match for a Jonin.” 

   ‘Maybe if we all band together we can get the bells. But what do we do if Mr. Broody and Ms. Pinky get them? Sakura will give the other to Sasuke but who will Sasuke give it to? Guess it doesn’t matter.’ 

    “Sasuke was the top of the class at everything, he should be up front to attack. Maybe we can make traps together, then have Sakura set them off. If we keep Kakashi-sensei overwhelmed then we might have a chance. I can stay behind and continue to make traps as Sakura sets them off. Naruto you should be attacking with Sasuke, your shadow clones can help overwhelm him.” 

    We moved through the plant life, Naruto standing behind me as I rambled off a half-assed plan.

    “And we can disguise Sasuke as one of your clones so he doesn’t stand out. He'll have a better chance to grab the bells then. But then we’re at the question of what will he do with it?”

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