A Weirdo

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      The first exam was finally here. Participants gathered outside of the school and I met up with my team.

    I was the last to arrive. Sakura stood ideally by Sasuke and Naruto was quiet but energy buzzed off of him.

     I didn’t tell him about the man because then he’d ask who Lily was.

     Sasuke was quiet as usual, but something about the aura of my team has changed.

    We were all unsure about the exam but now we all seem confident and ready.

     ‘Maybe they got attacked too?’ I chuckled at the thought. 

    “What’s so funny?” Naruto asked and Sasuke side glanced at me.

   I shrug my shoulders and smile innocently. Changing the topic I looked around. 

    “There’s a lot of people here. I kinda wish Sensei was here to hype us up.” 

   Sakura snorted and replied with, “Right, when has he ever played the role of a supportive teacher?”

     I frowned at the implication. But she was right.

    We all looked to the ground in anxiety before Naruto started to yell. 

    “Chunin Exams here we come!”

     I laughed at his performance and we all walked into the school. A large number of participants crowded the halls.

    We pushed our way through the crowd till we got to the source.

     A boy in a bright green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers was thrown to the ground. A girl caught him. The boy had a bowl haircut and black hair so shiny the lights reflected off of it. The girl had her brown hair up in two buns and a soft pink shirt. 
     Two boys stood in front of the door we were supposed to go though. They laughed arrogantly.

    “You can’t even get past us! What hope do you have for the exams?” The boys laughed again.

    I growled, I hated bullies.

    One boy had a bandana covering his head while his brown hair laid flat against his face. The other had spiky black hair that sprouted from his head, he also had three weird white markings on his chin and both cheeks. They were Leaf nin. 

     “Please let us through, we’re supposed to go in there.” The girl explained, her voice twinged with annoyance.

    She stood up and walked over but the boy with the bandana slapped her back and she fell to the ground.

   I Prepared to get involved. 

    “Delicate little girls don’t belong here. It’s super dangerous. Best be prepared to take it!” One of the boys spoke arrogantly.  

    “Real nice speech now move it.” Sasuke led the charge and we followed.

     “While you’re at it, reverse the Genjutsu. We’re going to the third floor. Sakura, you noticed first right?"

     Everyone started to mermer and I looked at the door sign. 

    “This is only the second floor.” Sakura said confidently. The boys Genjutsu faded.

    “Well you saw through an illusion. Good for you. But try to deal with this!”

    The spiky hair boy lunged at Sasuke.

   Sasuke jumped into action and I threw those closest behind me to give Sasuke room.

     The boy in green somehow ended up between them and caught their feet.

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