What A Smart Shortcake

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      It was our last day in the village. The bridge was almost complete and I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Zabuza or Haku. Though I suppose something’s bound to happen. 
      “(Y/N)! Can you help carry this?” I looked to Tazuna and nodded, taking the beg from him.

    ‘This is really heavy.’

    Out of nowhere the beg was taken from me. Looking up I see Kakashi ‘eye-smiling.’

    Then he looked down at me and I couldn’t quite place the emotion.

    My head was tilted up and Kakashi stood behind me. So close we were almost touching. We were stuck in a staring contest before Tazuna interrupted us.

     “Kakashi stop right there. This young lady here has already been claimed by the others. So watch yourself.” 
     I blinked and then started sputtering.

     “What are you talking about!”

    I turned to Kakashi but he was already glaring and walking off, killing intent rolling off him.

    “Why would you say that?” I snapped my head back to stare at Tazuna in disbelief.

      Tazuna just winked and carried on with his work.

     ‘What the hell. First Kakashi takes it from me and then Tazuna ruins our relationship, or at least the somewhat relationship. For the second time!’
     I turned to inspect the bridge, trying to see Kakashi, but the mist was too thick to see through it.

     ‘Mist? When did that happen? It couldn’t be?’

     Surveying the area I tried to find Zabuza or Haku.

     Then I heard screaming and the bridge workers ran towards the exit.

       Jumping away from the horde I grabbed Tazuna and pushed him in with the rest of the crowd. Sakura went with him.

      Then I turned to run towards the scream.

      Getting to the rest of my team wasn’t easy. The mist was too thick and I got turned around a lot.

     When I found them I witnessed two fights. Sasuke and Naruto fighting Haku, and Kakashi fighting Zabuza. Cursing, I ran to Kakashi’s side. 
      I threw a kunai at Zabuza and performed a Kawarimi no Jutsu swinging my foot in a sweeping kick. Zabuza jumped and Kakashi tried to get the better of him with the distraction. When Kakashi and I stepped back we all stood evaluating.  
      “(Y/N), You need to leave. I can handle Zabuza.” Kakashi left no room for argument. 
      “Sorry but we both know you can’t. He’s in his element after all.” I rejected his demand and took out two kunai. 
     “(Y/N).” Kakashi started but I cut him off. 
    “I’m not leaving you.” 
     “This isn’t a game.” 
     “It’s never been a game to me.” 
      “While it’s hilarious to watch, I’d like to get on with it.” Zabuza cut us off impatiently.  
      “You’re looking better.”

    Kakashi gave me a weird look at the way Zabuza grinned at me. 
     “Sorry shortcake. But I’m going to kill you this time.”

    With that the battle was on. It was a lot of back and forth. Kakashi would swing or kick, high or low, and I would do the opposite.

     Zabuza handled us well, however, it was clear it was taking a toll.

     Kakashi and I were in sync, a rhythm that’s been missing from our recent interactions.

     At one point Zabuza almost hit me and Kakashi came out of nowhere, jumping in and spinning me out of the way, hands around my waist holding my close.

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