Alone In The Mist

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      We reached the Land of Waves and I have officially decided that I’m nevering going to care about a person again.

   The only person I have left on the team is Sasuke and he wants nothing to do with any of us!

      All it’s been is uncomfortable silence and I don’t know how to fix anything, especially when I can’t get any of them to talk to me!

     ‘Whatever, they can go fuck themselves.’

     I rolled my eyes at the thought. The team setting has changed, instead of Sakura begging for Sasuke’s attention, she’s been incredibly quiet and closed off.

     Naruto hasn’t said a word, not one thing, and Kakashi is as silent as ever.
     I’m starting to think that I’m about to be excommunicated from the team.

      Then there's the fact that I’ve been holding back the urge to slap and smother both Kakashi and Naruto.

    ‘I just don’t know what to do.’

     If the rustling didn’t catch anyone's attention then the kunai that flew from Sasuke’s hand certainly did.

    We all paused for a moment, tension stringing our limbs and anxiety curling around our guts.

     Suddenly a pure white bunny came hopping out of the bush, stained red with blood on its hind leg. 

    “You threw a kunai at a bunny!” Naruto screamed, running at the bunny to try and pick it up. But the bunny just hopped away.

      Something loud and fast whizzed by and landed directly above Naruto’s head.

     A large sword with a half circle near the handle and a circle near the tip. It was lodged into the tree.

     Running away from the tree Naruto screamed, “What the hell! What’s with this place!”

     We all started to look around, trying to pinpoint the owner of the sword. 

    Mist started covering the area, making everything hazy.

     A man appeared above the sword, squatting on it like a bird finding its prey, his mouth was covered in bandages yet clearly he was smirking. 

    His hitai-ate was facing his left and it was slanted across a head of short spiky black hair. His clothes consisted of light blue pants, a black strap across his chest to hold the sword he was sitting on, as well as arm bands that go up to his elbow in a cow print pattern.

    All in all, he looked way too cocky to be someone we can walk away from.

    ‘Another fight, awesome.’ I frowned at the thought. 

    “Well well, if it isn’t the Copy Cat Ninja Kakashi. Must be my lucky day!”

     The man's voice was rough and gravely, it gave me goosebumps.

   ‘Copy Cat Kakashi? I didn’t know he had a famous title. Does that mean his name’s in the book?’

    The thought of that gave me the chills, if his name was in the book, then all sorts of crazy people would be after him.

    ‘Like this guy here.’ 

     “Zabuza, Demon of the Mist, one of the Seven Swordsmen.” Kakashi’s voice was iced over, all seriousness.

    ‘This guy must be bad news.’

    Jumping down from the sword, this Zabuza pulled the sword from the tree and got into a fighting stance.

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