And Man, Did it Do Things

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     To say that things were going well really depended on what the topic was.

    For instance, the journey was going relatively smooth, as we were about ten minutes out from the destination.

     However, the tension between Naruto and I remained the same, while the tension with Kakashi only increased.

     I’m not too sure when it started to get worse, but I suppose it started with Kakashi’s obvious disdain for the spiky haired Mist Nin.

     More so than towards the brother of the poor ninja that somehow gained access to Kakashi’s wrath, the spiky haired Nin had to put up with death glares that scared him to pieces.

    Along with a low rumble, almost a growl, that seemed to resonate from Kakashi anytime the ninja came near us.

     While his brother could get off with a suspicious glance. Almost seemed like Kakashi had a personal vendetta against him. 
      After Tazuna had told us the truth, and we all agreed to finish the mission, Kakashi turned to the Demon Brothers for questioning.

     It went easy enough, they were hired by some thug boss in the village to stop Tazuna from building the bridge.

    After promising to leave our mission alone we let them go. But the spiky haired brother came up to me, and Kakashi seemed to tense and give that almost growl.

      The ninja glanced at him and nervously stepped back. Unsure what to do I watched Kakashi closely before deciding that his aggression was because he didn’t want us Genin getting hurt.

     However, I was curious as to what the man wanted and decided to step off to the side to see what it was.  
       The noise that came out of Kakashi’s throat when the man leaned down was nothing short of animal.

    ‘And man, did it do things.’

   The brother side glanced at Kakashi before turning his attention back to me. 
     “You know, you're pretty good for a Genin, but I still would have kept you if it wasn’t for your guard dog over there.” The voice he used was mocking, a bit of a serious tinge underlying it.

    Glancing over at Kakashi, I saw him practically seething. His body taunt like a strung bow. His eye bore into my soul, completely enrapturing me.

    Unconsciously I found myself leaning towards Kakashi’s direction, but an amused chuckle brought me back.

    The urge to leave this man and run to Kakashi’s side was almost overwhelming. 
       “I see, I would have had to put you down. Your attention is much too fragile when it comes to him.”

     Confused, I looked at the man with a cocked eyebrow.

    ‘What the hell does he mean by that?’

    Out of nowhere Kakashi was by my side and gripping the man's hand, which looked like it was reaching out to touch me.

    I glanced between the man and Kakashi in shock, Kakashi had killing intent pouring off him in waves, while the man just smirked.

     His smirk had slowly turned into a grimace as Kakashi almost broke his hand. 
      The brothers left after that and we resumed our trek to the village.

    However, when I tried to get close to Naruto he would ignore me and try to talk to Sakura.

   Key word being try, she was too focused on Sasuke to even look at Naruto.

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