I Bought Porn for Him

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    We have been on D missions since passing the survival test.

     Kakashi says it's to get to know your teammates and practice teamwork. But I still don’t know anything about him.

    He doesn’t help with the missions. He just sits on his ass and watches us work.

    At least, when he’s not reading that book of sin.

     I found the book at the store in the adult section.

   When I went to pick it up an older man- maybe mid thirties- freaked out.

   Turning into a blushing mess, asking “Now what’s a sweet young girl like yourself doing with that?”

   I, of course, was confused and the man watched me in horror as I opened the book.

    I was just going to look at it, read the summary. But the man’s reaction made me curious. 
    The first page. The first sentence was full of complete sin!

    The moment I read the first sentence I slammed the book shut, and looked at the man.

    “What is this?” I asked. I know that adult romance will most likely have a sex scene.

     But to have it in the very first chapter!

    The man made a groggy noise from the back of his throat. Coughing before looking to the side. 
    “Well. It’s not a book for you. It’s a story about a passionate romance between a man and a woman.” He was practically a tomato by now. 
    “Is it porn with plot? Or is it just porn?” I asked looking at the book curiously. 
    “It has a plot!” The man looked scandalized at the accusation, before sputtering out a quiet, “It’s a marvelous story.”

     I raised my eyebrows before taking the book and sitting in a corner.

    The man looked unsure of what to do. But he walked away anyway.

     I read the book to chapter three.

    I’ll admit it wasn’t bad. I got strange looks but no one bothered me.

   Once I got over the initial embarrassment, I actually enjoyed the story.

    The man was right. It wasn’t just sex. I’m sure people read it for the porn but I’m rather curious about the characters.

    What can I say? I’m a hormonal teenager who has too much time on my hands.

    And no parents to tell me no.

     After that I had decided to come by every now and then to read a bit more.

    After a few weeks I had it halfway finished. So I decided to buy it.

    The store owner didn’t even bat an eye. Just a smirk and a “take care.” 

    So this was what Kakashi liked. Maybe if I read it all I could understand him more. He’s been reading it non-stop, he should have finished it by now.

   Maybe he’s rereading it? Does he like it that much? I was thrown out of my thoughts by the very man occupying them.  

    “(Y/N), can you go help Miss. Yuki in the kitchen?”

     Miss. Yuki was our current client. She asked if we could help her clean her house.
     I nodded and stood up, looking at the man I bought porn to understand.

    Was it weird to do that?


    “Why do you read that?” I blurted out without meaning to.

    Immediately I felt like a human torch, blush exploding on my face.
    “And you know this book because…?” Kakashi trailed off, a frozen eye-smile and amusement frosting the drawl in his voice.

    I don’t know how to answer that.

    Do I tell him that I’m reading it? Or that I was curious and looked it over.

    I started to bite my lip and I shifted my gaze over his shoulder instead of his face. 

    “I was curious about what you read so vigorously. So when I found it in the bookstore I…kinda looked at it?”

    Admitting it made me feel like I did something bad.

     I looked back to his face to find him staring at me. That intense eye flickered from my eyes to lower.

   My lips maybe?

   Then back to my eyes. That was weird, maybe he was nervous? I mean I am questioning why he reads porn after all.

   I decided to clarify my question.

     “Why do you read it in public? I mean isn’t that a book for…I don’t know, when you’re in the privacy of your home?” 

    Kakashi shifted his gaze to the side before responding with,

     “I don’t care about what people think of me. Children and their curiosity, don’t you know curiosity killed the cat?”

   He looked back at me, his eye-smile reappearing.

    I rolled my eyes before smirking, amusement and annoyance hanging heavily in my words.

    “But satisfaction brought it back.”

    I crossed my arms, shifting my weight to one foot and popping my hip. Adding a shit load of sass.

    Kakashi blinked down at me, he looked so taken aback it almost made me laugh.

   My smirk grew at his surprise.

    His eye narrowed to it’s normal intense state, but that eye started roving over my form, and suddenly I feel like I’m a suspect under a scientist’s inspection.

    It made my smirk drop and I curled into myself slightly.

    It was kinda uncomfortable. But it was the kind of uncomfortable that was not because it was happening, but because you weren’t used to it.

   I don’t know. I’ve never really felt like this before. I’ve never been in this situation. 

     Kakashi seemed to notice my discomfort and cleared his throat. Looking towards the kitchen.

    “Miss Yuki asked if you could help her.”

    Then he walked off. I watched him go, till he turned the corner and disappeared behind the wall.

   ‘What was that?’

   I shook my head and started for the kitchen, but I couldn’t help but wonder if Kakashi was just as curious about me as I am of him.  

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