I'll Just Kill Him and Take His Money

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       The next few days while Tazuna built the bridge, Kakashi has insisted that we train.

      Sakura, as it turns out, has incredible chakra control. Naruto and Sasuke are absolutely terrible and I am mediocre at best.

     Currently, Sakura was off watching Tazuna while Sasuke and Naruto were trying to improve their chakra control.

       Having reached the top of the tree I decided to take a break.

       I walked into a clearing to find a young girl picking flowers.

     I stepped on a twig and she snapped her head to me. 
        “Hello.” Her voice is silky smooth and somehow nostalgic.

    Who did she remind me of?
     “I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”

    I walked over to a tree and sat down.
      “No matter, it seems this clearing contains a lot of foot-traffic.”

    We stayed silent for a time.
       “If you don’t mind me asking, what are you looking for?”

      I tilted my head to see what she picked up.
        “Not at all, I’m trying to find some Ginger Root.”

     She reached down and pulled something out of the ground.

    “It looks like this.”

     I took the plant out of her hand and inspected it. Getting up I decided to help.
     “What do you need Ginger Root for?” I asked as I searched. 
      “A friend of mine is injured.” I paused to turn to her, inspecting her features. 
        “What happened?” Instead of answering she changes the topic.
      “Do you have anyone special to you?”

     The question caught me off guard but she patiently waited till I answered. 
      “I want to protect the person important to me. I want to work for that person. I want to fight for that person. I want to make that person's dream come true. That is my dream.” 
     “Then I guess we are the same.”

      I pulled out the root and added it to her collection.

     “I have someone important to me as well. I will do anything to protect him.” She nodded, but then said, 
    “My name is Haku.” I nodded. 
     “(Y/N).” I looked at the basket and then at Haku. “Do you need help?” 
      “No, I can handle it.” Haku turned and that’s when everything clicked into place. 
      “You’re bringing that to Zabuza aren’t you.”

    It was a statement.

    A kunai came flying at my face and I quickly ducked. 
     “It’s a shame that you found out.” Haku said, grabbing more kunai. 
      “Wait!” I yelled, quickly standing and putting up my hands. “Lets not do this right now.” Haku waited. 
     “I thought you were against Zabuza?” 

     “Zabuza was losing, I had to step in.” 

    “Why are you trying to destroy this place?”  

     “Zabuza is promised payment, and I will provide him with the support he needs.” 

    “Zabuza is your important person.” Haku nods. 

     “Is Kakashi yours?” I blushed and stuttered. 

    “No! I mean…no.” Haku gave me a weird look but otherwise stayed quiet. 

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