Here To Stay

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      “So when is this Daniel supposed to show up?” Kakashi growled, crossing his arms and pouting like a child.

    I rolled my eyes. 

    “Daniel? Who’s that?” Naruto asked, tilting his head.

   Most of Team Seven were gathered in my hospital room. Naruto had snuck out of his room to join me and Sakura came by with a basket of bright red apples.

    We were only missing Sasuke, something had been going on with him and he had isolated himself.

    Kakashi hadn’t left my side. Once he even tried to come into the bathroom with me, he didn’t seem to care.

    I had kicked him out and he bothered the nurses until they bagged me to let him back in.

    I didn’t mind his presence, in fact I loved it. But he wouldn’t eat and barely slept. I had hoped kicking him out would make him relax but it did the opposite. His anxiety grew the longer he was away.

    That was a day or two ago and as my condition got better so did his behavior.

    Now he could leave for a few hours before returning. 

    “Daniel’s an old…friend?”

    I wasn’t sure what he was. I tapped my chin and furrowed my brows.

    ‘Guardian, maybe?’

    I shrugged. I could practically feel Kakashi’s eye twitch. I giggled.

    “Well, actually I don’t know what he is. I only met him recently but I think he could be considered my guardian?” I hummed.

   Kakashi relaxed a tad. 

   “What do you mean? How can he be an old friend if you just met him?” Sakura asked, peeling an apple.

    I frowned and tried to explain. 

   “He’s Eric’s-My big brother figure-twin brother. He used to watch over me when Eric was on missions. He helped me out a few weeks ago.”

    Kakashi finally relaxed completely. Sakura just nodded.

    “And to answer your question,” I looked at Kakashi, “He probably already showed up. He usually appears when I’m asleep so he doesn’t have to actually talk to me.”

   I shrugged. Kakashi cringed a little and his fingers twitched. I smiled goofily and pulled him to me.

     “Relax.” I smiled sweetly and he squeezed my hand. Pressing a kiss to his cheek Naruto pretended to gag. 

    A loud bang resonated in the room as the door was slammed open. In walked Jiraiya and Gaara. It was honestly an odd mix. 

    “Gaara!” Naruto shouted and ran to hug the boy. 

    “What am I? Chop liver!” Jiraiya laughed as Naruto made a face at him. Kakashi’s hold on my hand tightened. 

    “What are they doing here?” He glared viciously and I rubbed his arm. 

    “Ah! Kakashi! How wonderful it is to see you again! Now if you don’t mind, please move away from my young pupil, I have a few words for her!” Jiraiya laughed at Kakashi’s low rumble. I sighed. 

    “Jiraiya what are you doing here?”

  Kakashi whipped his head to me. 

    “How do you know him? Didn’t I warn you to stay away from him?”

    I just rolled my eyes. 

    “Yeah, then you ran and pissed me off, so I sought him out to make you mad.”

    Kakashi blinked and looked down at our hands in shame. I brought them up and kissed his knuckles.

     Kakashi went back to eyeing Jiraiya suspiciously.

     Before Jiraiya could piss Kakashi off anymore Gaara worked his way to me.

     He gave me a flower. It was a little crumpled. I smiled at it lovingly and took his hand. 

    “I’m sorry. I should have controlled it better. It’s my fault.” He sounded broken. I shook my head. 

    “Bullshit. Gaara I get it. You lost control but that happens.”

   I pulled him into a hug.

   “I’m here for you whenever you want to visit. I’m sure Naruto would love it if you do.” I whispered gently.

   He nodded like a happy little puppy.

    The door opened again and a Sand Nin poked his head through. 

    “Gaara we need to leave.” Gaara sighed but nodded. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair. 

    “Bye! I’ll see you again soon right?” Gaara nodded solemnly and then turned to leave. Pausing to say goodbye to Naruto. 

    “Wow, you got yourself all of the emotionally stunted ones.” Jiraiya mused.

    He ruffled my hair like I did to Gaara. Kakashi batted his hand away.

    “I actually came to say goodbye. I’m leaving for a little bit, thinking of bringing the brat with me. Just for a week.”

    I looked at Naruto worriedly. He smiled widely at me. 

    “Are you asking my permission?”

    Jiraiya laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.

    “It’s okay. But listen,” I pulled Jiraiya to my face and stared him dead in the eye.

    “If anything happens to him I will kill you. Sannin or not I will destroy you.”

   Then I let him go and nodded to Naruto. He yelled excitedly. Jiraiya looked a little pale and just nodded numbly.

    Something came to mind and I looked at my hands. 

     “Hey Jiraiya? How is necromancy possible?”

   Kakashi and Jiraiya froze. 

    “What? Who said it was?” Jiraiya asked nervously and Kakashi turned serious.

     I looked at them confused. 

   “Orochimaru…He used some sort of necromancy to defeat the Third. I saw it.”

     Sorrow reached me as I thought of him. The room went quiet. 

    “I understand. I’ll look into it for you, you just rest.” Jiraiya said softly.

    I nodded.

   “Anyways Naruto and I leave after the funeral.”

   I swallowed a lump in my throat and nodded. Jiraiya patted my head once more before leaving. 

    “I have to go as well. My parents are expecting me.” Sakura politely excused herself.

   Naruto groaned. 

   “I’ve got to go too. I’ll be back later!” Naruto gave me a quick hug before he dashed out.

    I sighed as Kakashi took me into his arms. He crawled behind me and held me to him.

    I leaned into his touch and smiled up at him.

     Things were changing. Sasuke was changing and I feared the future. Naruto was leaving for a week.

    I should feel alone, but I don’t.

    Team Seven was evolving, the Third was gone, and unknown dangers were brewing.

    But it didn’t matter, because as I stared into Kakashi’s eye, leaned in and kissed his lips, nothing matters but him.

     He was safety, and I never felt more calm.

    It didn’t matter what the future held, because Kakashi was here and he was here to stay. 

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