I Hold No Anger Towards the Dead

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     Walking around the Village I watched the clouds absently.

    Naruto was off hanging out with his three little minions, Sakura was doing god knows what, Sasuke was probably off brooding somewhere, and Kakashi…well I actually don’t know what he does in his free time.

     I sighed heavily.

    We don’t have any training or missions, as it’s the day before the first exam.

    ‘But I’m so bored!’

   Sighing again as the wind combed my hair, I decided to visit an old friend.

   I walked the familiar path to the graveyard, the same one Kakashi took me to all those nights ago.

   Before he started to act crazy.

   Reaching the graveyard I carefully stepped through the field, as to not wake the resting shinobi. 

     Once I reach the familiar gray of the stone, its pristine surface and zero cracks, I knelt down to brush my fingers along the engraving. 

     “Eric.” I whisper his name like a prayer and sigh again as I sit back and cross my legs.

     “I’m competing in the Chunin exams tomorrow. I’m worried about what's going to happen.” 

     “(Y/N)? Is that you dear?” The sweet voice to my left rang in my ears and I swiftly stood.

    A woman with silky brown hair, deep chocolate orbs, and a soft watery smile brought tears to my eyes. She was delicately holding a bouquet of roses.

    “Lily. It’s good to see you.”

   She smiled a little sadder and knelt down to put the flowers in the vase next to the grave. 

    “It’s been a while, you were kicked out of the apartment weren’t you? I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to help.” I looked back down to the grave. 

     “You were grieving. You have nothing to be sorry about. Besides, it helped me in the end.”

    I sat back down next to her and she blinked at me in confusion.

    “I got to meet someone very precious to me. Another brother you could say.” She nodded and turned back to the gravestone.

    “Good. Eric would hate for you to be alone. You were like his little sister. I failed him when I let you leave, I should have been there for you, like you always were for him.”

    I recalled all the times he had a panic attack like Kakashi.

    I sighed sadly and picked at the baby grass growing over the dirt of the fresh grave.  

    “I did hate you. For a time. I was angry. I’m still angry, just not at you. Eric took care of me. When he died four months ago, I…I wanted someone to blame. But then I met Naruto and I couldn’t be angry anymore. Couldn't blame anyone anymore.”

    We were quiet for awhile. 

    “He would be proud of you, these past three months. I heard about you becoming Genin, going to the Land of Waves, I don’t know what happened to you there but you’re different. Wiser. Your Sensei must be good.”

    I gave a chuckle. 

   “No not really.”

   She snapped her head in surprise.

   “I mean he’s a good man, I look up to him greatly. He taught me well, but that’s not what made me wise or anything. Actually the man that taught me to let go of my anger was the enemy I fought in Wave country.”

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