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     Taking a deep breath I walk the aisle blanketed by red carpeting.

     People sit on each side, friends that feel just as family should.

    Shikamaru smirks at me as I walk by and it loosens the anxiety just enough to make me smile.

     Temari sits next to him with a grin and a nod.

     Sakura smiles brightly, Ino winks, Hinata smiles gently with flushed cheeks.

    Kiba passes me a large grin, Akamaru now twice the size of Kiba, barks out.

     Tenten and Lee give me a thumbs up, smiling enough for our fallen ally Neji. 

    We've lost many in the war, Asuma, Jiraiya, Shikaku.

     But that was all over now.

    Madara was defeated, the Akatsuki destroyed, and peace was restored to the Villages.

     Konoha was nothing but rubble when the war was over, rebuilding lasted for months.

     But now things were getting back to normal, Tsunade resumed her Hokage status, letting Kakashi go of responsibility. 

     Kakashi came home that night elated to finally be responsible for nothing but his missions.

     And me.

    Kakashi was always responsible when it came to me.

   When Naruto left for the three years to train with Jiriaya, I found solstice in the comfort of Kakashi's unwavering form.

     He never left, he never ran away.

    Kakashi stood with me when Naruto returned, stood with me when the war started, when I cried and screamed over our losses.

      At one point I lost Kakashi during the Pain Attack, but then he was brought back like nothing happened.

   I didn't leave his side for a week after that. 

     Sasuke was with us, sitting next to Sakura and nodding to me. I nodded back and felt my heart swell.

    Gaara smiled, his seafoam eyes kinder than ever.

    I had wanted Jiraiya to walk me down the aisle, but it's Naruto's arm that holds mine, his body a steady balance.

    Kurenai, holding her baby, smiles kindly as she caresses her child's head. 

    "Are you ready?" Naruto whispers into my ear and I gulp down my nerves. 

    "This is what I want. What I’ve wanted for years." I whispered back as Naruto gave me to the altar and went to stand by my side.

     Naruto was in a black tux that he refused to wear until I stripped him down and forced him into it.

    Tsunade stood in the center of the altar, in front and between Kakashi and I for the audience to see. Her blonde hair in two pigtails and her bust almost falling out of her kimono.

    She smiled at me and I gave a shaky one back. She just chuckled and I looked over to Gai, now in a wheelchair after the war, and he flashed me a bright smile and a thumbs up. 

     Finally I looked at Kakashi, nerves disappearing as I gazed into his eyes.

    The Sharingan was gone, now it held his own black obsidian eye.

    The urge to kiss his scar and his eye and the beauty mark hidden behind his mask was almost overwhelming. He was handsome, wearing a tux and his hair just right. 

    “You’re beautiful.” He said, whispering to me.

     Giving a small laugh I looked down at the white dress I wore.

     It was puffy, princess style with heavy fabric. It shot out at the hips but was tight and snug along the waist and bust, highlighting my figure. The dress was given a squared neckline that plunged just low enough, the edges thin and see through with leaf and flower designs crawling up my shoulders and down my arms, leaving the back open. 

     “You’re not bad yourself.” I whispered back and Kakashi chuckled, our hands at our sides as we faced Tsunade and waited for her to begin.

      Kakashi’s fingers found mine and we held each other's hands.

     Tsunade began to speak, but her words faded under the sound of my heart.

     Kakashi turned to me and I mirrored him, holding both of his hands now. 

     “(Y/N). We were supposed to write our own vows, but I couldn’t think of what to say. We’ve fought a war together, risked death our entire lives. You made me realize I couldn’t lock my heart away and you broke the chains when I couldn’t. I promise you, I will never run away again. I will never try to deny my love for you.” Kakashi’s tone dripped with love and his eyes shimmered.

     “In sickness and health, in war and peace, in life and death. I will stay.”

    Tears formed in my eyes and I blinked them away, sniffing. 

     “Kakashi. Our relationship didn’t start out pretty, it was muddled with pain and stupid misunderstandings because of stupid drunk old men.”

     Kakashi huffed a laugh, and I thought back to when I fell for him in the ramen stand four years ago.

     “It was interrupted by war and loss. It was dragged through denial. But it’s here now. It’s still here. It’s here to stay. When you fall under, I will pick you up. When you want to eat take out after I slaved in the kitchen to surprise you, I will force the food down your throat and then make you buy me a cake.”

    The audience laughed out and Kakashi grimaced.

     “In sickness and health, in war and peace, in life and death, in love and hate, I will be here. I will fight for our love just as I always have. Ninja life is dangerous, but I don’t mind because it led me to you.”

     I gave a watery laugh. 

    “You may now kiss the bride.” Tsunade said, and before she even finished Kakashi and I were diving for each other.

     His arms wrapping around my waist and my fingers pulling down his mask.

    Hoots and hollers rang out from our friends and I pulled back with a smile, Kakashi chasing me for only a moment before he was pulling his mask up.

    Giggling I gripped Kakashi’s hand and we walked from the altar.


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