He Was Finally Mine

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      I was jostled awake by a shake. Groaning I tried to look around but my head was spinning. The urge to vomit sat in the back of my throat. I blinked the blurriness from my eyes.

     Trees zoomed by and I realized I was still in the forest. Strong arms held me close to their chest.

     I looked up, hoping to find sanctuary in Kakashi’s arms.

     But instead I was only slightly disappointed.

     Daniel's cat mask smiled back at me.

    I reached up and traced it’s red whiskers. I tried to lift my other arm but couldn’t.

     Pain blinded me and I looked down to find my arm in a makeshift cast. My foot was also in a makeshift brace. My head was killing me but I felt safe in Daniel’s arms.

    He would take care of me. He would take me to safety. 
     “To Kakashi…I want to go…”

    My words came out jumbled and I groaned.

    Trying again I asked, “What about Naruto? Gaara? Sasuke and Sakura?”

     Daniel looked down at me and then looked back up. 

     “They are fine. They are a little bit behind me. The red head was inconsolable, screaming about being sorry and some shit. Naruto was suspicious of me and tried to stop me from taking you, but then the pink hair girl calmed him down.”

    He paused for a moment.

    “Kakashi is your Jonin sensei, I saw the picture in your room. Yet you call for him like some…lover?”

     He tilted his head and I couldn’t tell his emotions from behind the red and white mask. 

    “I guess to me he is, though he keeps trying to run away.” I say tiredly.

    “Why are you here?”  He ducked a branch. 

     “I was part of the ANBU team sent to find out what the hell was happening out here. Saw you unresponsive and went to take you to a hospital, my leader wasn’t pleased but let me go.”

     I nodded. If it was anyone else on his team I wouldn’t have felt content. Would have fought. But I trust Daniel, so really, he was the only one who could have helped me. The others far to beat up.

   But if Daniel says the others are okay I’ll believe him. 

    “Thank you for always watching over me.”

    He stayed silent, but I took comfort in it. I grew up with just his presence, and as I closed my eyes I felt like a little girl again.

     Scared of the monster under my bed but with no Eric to help scare it away. Yet I knew he was there, watching over me, keeping the monsters at bay.

     Nothing would happen in his protective presence. 


     I couldn’t quite sleep, the joistling in each movement hurting my injured limbs. But I rested just the same.

     When Daniel stopped I opened my eyes. We were back in the Village, heading to the hospital most likely. But we stopped for some reason.

    Blinking I cleared my head of fog and looked around. My head lolled onto Daniel’s chest.

   That is till I snapped my head up and groaned from the pain.

    Daniel’s arms tightened and he told me not to move. But I couldn’t listen.

    Kakashi stood a mere few feet away.


   Always watching.

      He stood motionless. Then his shoulders slumped and he was suddenly in front of me.

     In surprise Daniel shrank back, jumping away. The sudden movements made me nauseous. 

    “She needs to get to the hospital.” Daniel’s voice was devoid of emotion.

   ‘What’s wrong? Doesn’t he recognize Kakashi?’

    I was at a loss for what was happening. Kakashi was shaking and I desperately wanted to reach out and comfort him. 

    “What’s wrong? What happened?” Kakashi growled.

     I blinked. Trying weakly to get out of Daniel’s hold I cursed as my ankle hung painfully. Daniel held me tighter.

    I looked up to him but he was holding Kakashi’s stare. 

    “Hey, I’m okay. I’m sure you have something you have to do. Kakashi can take me to the hospital. Thank you Daniel, you took me to safety.” I whispered softly, or so I thought.

    Kakashi’s choke proved otherwise.

    I gave Daniel a hug, wrapping my arm around his neck. He held me numbly.

     Kakashi snarled.

    I sighed. “It’s okay. Don’t mind him. Can you put me down?”

      Daniel seemed to glance between Kakashi and I before huffing and lowering me to the ground.

      I sat in the rubble of Konoha and smiled up at Daniel. 

    “I’ll check on you later.” He said emotionlessly and I nodded. Then he was gone, dashing off and disappearing.

      I was enveloped in a pair of strong arms only a second later. Kakashi held me to him, smothering me with his warmth.

     He left light kisses over my face and his hands roamed around my body. Pulling me closer and checking for any unseen injuries.

    I smiled and sighed contently. Leaving all of the pain and anger I held over this man behind as I breathed him in.

     Right now he was all I could see, all I could feel. He was everything. 

     Something warm and wet dampened my hair. His shaking shoulders and tightening grip told me it was his silent tears.

    I curled into him and held him the best I could. 

    “I thought I lost you. I panicked when you ran off but couldn’t follow you. And then he shows up holding you like a corpse.”

    He let out a light sob.

    “I tried so hard to push you away, but seeing you like that…it was too much to bear. I’m done running. I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

     Tears pricked my eyes and I let them fall.

    He was finally here, and to stay. Kakashi pushed me away enough for him to grab my face.

     He gently wiped the tears off my cheeks.

     He pulled down his mask and discarded his Hitai-ate. 

     I could barely appreciate the sight before he was upon me.

    Kissing me desperately, like a starved man.

    I kissed him back just as fiercely.

   He was finally mine.

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