Unladylike Things

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      It’s been a few weeks since we got back to the village. Since then we’ve gone on actual C ranked missions and some Bs.

   None of them were very exciting.

   Naruto and I have fixed our relationship. Sakura and I have not. She’s been extra careful with me but I don’t care. She deserved what I said.

   ‘Stupid bitch trying to start shit.’ 
     Kakashi and I… it's hard to say. He is no longer ignoring me, but he’s being extra careful as well.

    He won’t look into my eyes, or he tries not to look at me in general. But he’s always close to me. Never really letting me out of his sight.

    He’s still closed off and we don’t talk about what happened over the mission, no matter how much I want to. 
    Today we don’t have a mission, but training instead.

   I have refused to show up at the time he gives me. Yet I still end up waiting an hour. Almost as if he makes a point to keep every person on his team waiting for exactly one hour.

    Speaking of, the hours almost up so he should be here in three, two, one…a puff of smoke blew away to reveal Kakashi giving an ‘eye-smile.’

   ‘let the training commence I guess.’ 
    Training was just the usual chakra exercises and physical building.

    By the time it was done I’d be covered in sweat and my limbs would feel like jelly.

    As we finished Kakashi had offered to take us to Ichiraku's Ramen. He said something about an important announcement.

     Which is how we got here, at Ichiraku's Ramen, downing our food and filling our famished stomachs.

     It was very different from the last time Kakashi took us here. Before he seemed more than willing to sit next to me. But now he chose to sit on the other end, with Sakura next to him, then Sasuke, then Naruto, and finally me.

    While we all ate Kakashi didn’t speak, instead waiting for us to be done. 
      As I was finishing my meal someone sat next to me. Looking up I locked eyes with a dark haired boy, his features were pretty plain and forgettable to be honest, though he looked about my age.

     He smiled at me kindly. And I smiled back. Then I went back to finishing my food. As soon as I took a bite the boy started speaking. 

     “So are you joining the Chunin exams?” His voice was soft but there seemed to be an underlying tone.

    My group stopped eating to stare at the boy. But he didn’t give them much attention over a glance. 

     “What’s the Chunin exams?” Naruto asked between bites. 

     “Oh you guys don’t know? I suppose that means you aren’t participating.” He sent a quick look at Sakura before returning his gaze to me.

    “Girls shouldn't subject themselves to such unladylike things.” He smiled lightly. 

     “Excuse me?”

    I don’t know what these exams are exactly but I do know that this asshole is sexist. 

     “I just mean such a lovely girl such as yourself shouldn’t ruin your pretty face with-”

    He was cut off when a hand slammed down between him and I. Jumping, I looked up to see Kakashi staring down at him.     

      “She can take care of herself and doesn’t need your input.” Kakashi glared down at the boy, pushing his body between ours like a shield.

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