I Knew That Bastard Was Crooked

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      After checking to make sure the person I tripped over was indeed unconscious and not dead, I stood up and ran back to the audience.

    Fighting had ensued and I stared at the chaos. Almost everyone in the audience was unconscious, except for a few.

     I spotted a head of pink hair and almost called out. But then Kakashi appeared over her and protected her from an attack. He said something to her and then jumped away to fight.

     Gai-Sensei was also tearing the attackers down. Panic hits me as the gravity of the situation sets in.

    Konoha was under attack. 
    Cursing I whipped my head around to try and spot Naruto. But it was a fruitless effort. He was nowhere to be found.

   Turning I slammed into a solid object. A man in Sound Nin attire looked down at me with a sickening grin.

     Thinking fast I grabbed a kunai and sliced it through the air, aiming for his jugular. He jumped back. I ran at him and he dodged my attack. He caught my foot and swung me but I twisted and got a solid hit.

   He stumbled back, delicately holding his nose.

    “Fucking bitch. You’ll pay for that!” He snarled and quickly rushed me, I stepped out of the way and pushed his back as he passed, his momentum doing the rest.

      He tripped over a foot and when he hit the ground I brought the butt of the kunai creaking down across his skull.

     Unconscious now, his body limp, I used his shirt to tie his hands behind his pack and to the chair.

      This way we’ll have a captive. Once satisfied with my work I rush off to find Naruto, ignoring Kakashi’s surprised yells as he notices my presence.

      There was chaos everywhere within the arena. Scattered battles filtered in and out of my vision. But I couldn’t find Naruto anywhere.

  Before long I ran head first into a fight. Cursing my recklessness I flattened myself to a large piece of ruble. It didn’t seem like anyone noticed me.

    Peeking my head out I observed the fight. The Third Hokage forewent his Hokage hat and robe. Instead he wore a baggy black one piece. His ninja nature surfaced as he fought.

      His opponents were two people I recognized from History books and the Hokage Mountain. But that was impossible.

    ‘They are supposed to be dead!’

      The first two Hokage’s faced off against Lord Third. 

    ‘But they are Leaf Nin! Why are they fighting against us! How are they alive!’

     The Third panted heavily. He looked like he was struggling, a monkey by his side. 

    “Marvelous isn’t it?” A voice slithered into my ears and I bit back a scream, only letting out a mild gasp.

   Snapping around I brought a kunai up to protect me. Orochimaru laughed.

     It seemed he shed the skin of the woman, his appearance completely different. But I recognized his voice and his cold, cold eyes.

     His skin was sickly pale, eyes a luminous gold that glinted dangerously, the snake-like pupil dilating.

    He reached out and brushed his fingers through my hair, I flinched at the gentle and overly familiar action.

    He smirked and sharply tugged on my hair. I grunted as he forced me to turn around and pressed his lips close to my ear. 

     I watched the fight with bated breath.

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