I Guess They Got A Show

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     The sick man told us that we had to compete in a preliminary. He explained the reasons and that this was a completely normal step of the Chunin exam process, but that didn’t matter.

     Everyone was tired. We had no rest time at all. Of course, this was a voluntary option. If no one felt physically capable of fighting then they were free to leave.

      Sakura wanted Sasuke to quit, the mark on his neck causing him constant pain. I thought it would be better as well, but Sasuke ignored us.

     I was worried for Naruto, as he was also hit with something. But the only person to back out was Kabuto. 
     He explained why. That he couldn’t hear out of his left ear, that he was too tired to put his life on the line.

     I personally think that it’s complete bullshit.

     If you are to be a ninja then you must be willing to lay down your life to complete your goal. That is the point of these exams.

    Yes to test your skills, but also to test your determination, to see if you can complete an objective.

     Naruto was very upset, practically pleading for Kabuto to stay. But I never liked Kabuto, not since I saw that look in his eyes.

    When he walked past he stared down at Sasuke and Naruto, that same look from the orientation. A look of cruelty. It set me on edge. 

     Anyways, that’s how we got here. Naruto, Sakura, and I stood with Kakashi on a balcony, overseeing Sasuke’s fight with Kabuto’s teammate.
Some weird guy that covered his face.

     Kakashi seems on edge with the battle and Sakura looks about ready to burst into tears.

     I watch it with a calculating eye, content to stand next to Kakashi.

    That and I couldn’t find anything to say. I didn’t exactly leave on a good note. I sigh. 

      “How was the second exam?” Kakashi’s silky smooth voice broke through the silence.

     I glanced at him but he was still watching the fight. 

      “It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done!” Naruto yelled excitedly, no doubt happy to finally talk about it.

     “It started out fine, but then we got seperated and this giant snake tried to eat me!”

        I chuckled at his wild hand movements. Kakashi glanced at him, his eye smile showing none of his emotion.

      “Then, when I find (Y/N), Sasuke is shaking like a little baby and offering our scroll to this Orochimaru person!”

       Kakashi flinched at the name and turned his full attention to Naurto. I narrowed my eyes.

     ‘As soon as you mention Orochimaru Kakashi suddenly cares enough to look away?’ 

    “She was super scary! Had everyone pinned!” Naruto rubbed his belly absently and I studied him.

     He didn’t seem to remember, that’s why I haven’t asked him about it.


     “(Y/N) and Sakura probably have more to say about her. I only fought her at the end but then I passed out I guess. I don’t really remember what happened but I somehow got to a cave!”

     Kakashi looked at me expectantly. 

    “I’m not so sure it is a she. Her face started to… melt and then her voice changed. I think it was some sort of clone jutsu. I just don’t get why they would do it?”

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