Lovey-Dovey With That Pineapple

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A few hours later, I washed and returned Shikamaru's clothes, packed my bags, and mulled over Kakashi's actions.

It didn't really make sense to me. I understand that he was mad, what I don't get is why.

Was it because I was late? Or perhaps he's mad that I was 'fooling around' instead of focusing on my Ninja life?

Either way it was uncharacteristic of him.

"(Y/N), why would you abuse our code?" Naruto's obnoxious voice was uncharacteristically meek.

He was sitting on the bed, his stuff already packed and his head hung. This was another of my current problems.

Naruto has been very upset.

"Naruto, I would never abuse the code. Besides if I really wanted to have a rondevu with Shikamaru I would have said code Green. Or perhaps we make a code Pink and that can be for alone time with a romantic partner?"

I said the last part offhandedly, trying to lighten the mood. Naruto just wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Was it really code Purple? You weren't being lovey-dovey with that Pineapple?"

'That Pineapple?'

"Of course not."

"Then what happened? You had me really worried, after all Shikaku just showed up and said you were spending the night." Naruto said this suspiciously, side glancing at me and testing how much information he could get.

I sighed heavily before responding.

"I'm sorry I worried you, I was upset and didn't want you to see me like that. That's why we created code Purple."

I leaned against the doorframe, looking at a spot on the wall.

"So you can tell him but not me?" His voice was so broken when he said this.


"You know what it's fine. You're right, we have a code purple for a reason. I just didn't know it applied to sleeping over at some boy's place, one you don't even know!"

"Naruto just listen-"

But I didn't get to finish as he got up and stomped out of the apartment.

I sighed before glancing at the clock.

Seven O'Clock.

We have to get up early tomorrow to meet at the bridge and start our mission.

Naruto was probably going to Ichiraku's Ramen. Which means I have to find some other cheap restaurant.


At least this gives me more time to think about everything.

'Because heaven forbid that's just what I need.'


That night Naruto didn't come back.

But I woke up this morning to find a note from Iruka-Sensei saying that Naruto spent the night with him.

I must have been asleep by the time he came over.

I spent that morning in a daze. Naruto has never reacted like this before.

Somehow I made it to the bridge. For once I was the first one there.

Sitting down by the tree I waited for the rest of my team.

'Naruto was really hurt, does he think I was replacing him?'

Worry ate at my stomach and the anticipation of seeing both Naruto and Kakashi sent my anxiety into overdrive.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A cheerful voice broke through my thoughts. I looked up to see Iruka waving at me as he walked forward.

"Iruka-Sensei." I nodded in acknowledgement.

"I guess I should get right to the point."

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