Cloud Print

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That night I slept in Shikamaru's room while he slept on the couch.

I'm so embarrassed! I can't believe I cried! I was just so confused and overwhelmed.

I mean Kakashi was avoiding me and then he did that!

It's natural that I thought he hated me.


I'm not being too dramatic am I? I mean he was so cold before. Of course I thought he was just using me!

But Shikamaru was pretty confident.

I yawned as I sat up. Shikamaru's bed was really soft, like a cloud. It made me sleepy. I looked down at the pillow debating if I should get up or fall dramatically face first into the pillows. I like the second option much better than the first.

I looked over to Shikamaru's clock to see that it was already twelve O'clock.

'Twelve O'clock!'

I must've overstayed my welcome! And the mission! Quickly I jumped off the bed, wrestling with the blanket.

I need to shower, I need to change! But I'm already so late! Maybe I could ask to barrow their...But that wouldn't be appropriate! I'm so screwed!

There was a knock on the door before a woman stepped through.

"(Y/N), hi. I'm Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino. I have a pair of clothes for you, feel free to use the shower down the hall on your right. Also here's an extra tooth brush."

Yoshino smiled warmly before handing me everything. She walked out and disappeared.

'Why are they being so nice? What the hell is this? Maybe they are planning to murder me?'

Well, I was offered right? It shouldn't hurt.

I poked my head out of the room, looking both ways down the hall. Quietly I walked down towards the bathroom.

My steps light because I didn't want to disturb anyone. Their house was quiet, the comfortable kind of silence bounced off the walls. It felt homey.

The house was a light brown wood floor, clean with white walls covered in pictures.

It was nothing like my apartment. No matter how much I clean it always gets dirty.

One, because Naruto's a fucking slob, and two, because it never really cleaned. I'm never able to clean the floor of mold, or fix the walls of stains. Not that I haven't tried. The place was just a dump. Something that should be torn down but isn't.

But it's ok because I have Naruto. Soon I'm going to get us out of there. I just need to make enough cash.

Once I was done with everything I went to put on the clothes.

'Whose clothes are these anyways?'

I gasped as I dropped a pair of boxers.

Well that explains who they belong to.

'What is Yoshino up to? Why give me underwear? Like, that's a bit gross.'

I went to grab my underwear that was underneath my clothes. Only to find that they weren't there.

'What the actual fuck.'

My head swerved all around the room, looking everywhere but I couldn't find them.


She came in while I was in the shower saying something about...I actually don't know, I was too busy trying not to freak out.

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