Perhaps the Seventh Time Is the Charm

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     When we reach the room Kakashi is standing in front of the door. He has his signature eye-smile in place and his hands in his pockets.

     My heart beat faster at his presence. I remember what Gai-Sensei said about his past and a frown works its way across my lips. 
    “Kakashi-Sensei?” Sakura asks sweetly, tilting her head in a cute manner.

    It made me want to puke. 

    “I’m so glad that you all decided to compete in the exams. Now you can officially register.”

   Kakashi said cheerily.

   “Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and (Y/N). I’m proud of you.”

   My heart tightened painfully and I didn’t realize how much I needed that. Kakashi slid to the side and let Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke pass.

    They smiled and waved him good-bye as they walked through the door.

    I stayed put.

    I don’t know what kept my feet sealed to the ground, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to stay. 

    “Kakashi-Sensei. I-”

    I cut myself off and looked to the ground. I’m not sure what I wanted. Sighing I decided to just leave.

     I walked till I was just in front of the door. I looked up to Kakashi and froze.

    His intense eye was trained on my face and I knew that I shouldn’t leave.

   Not yet.

   I walked up to him and before I could psych myself out I threw myself at him. Wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest.

     Kakashi sucked in a breath and slowly brought his arms around me as well.

    “Thank you Kakashi.” Kakashi flinched and started to draw away. I blinked as he was no longer in my arms.

    ‘Damnit! I forgot the Sensei, now he’s going to pull away. Like he always does.’

    Tears pricked at my eyes but I blinked them away. 

    “Don’t call me that.” Kakashi was quiet and cold. I lowered my head, used to the tone.

    He was shutting down, shutting me out.


   Kakashi brought his hand to my cheek and ran his thumb along my wobbling lips.

    I smacked his hand away and he stepped back in surprise.

    He brought his hand down and his eye hardened. He sighed before running his hand through his hair mumbling about ‘morals’ or something.

    I just cleared my throat. 

    “Thank you Kakashi-Sensei.” I stressed the word and sharply turned. 

    “(Y/N), wait.” Kakashi sighed when I stopped but didn’t turn around.

   “Iruka told me about your…trauma. With Zabuza.” His voice was soft, like he thought I would break.

   Always treating me like glass.

   I curled my fists and sharply turned around to stare at him in the eye. He flinched back at my obvious anger. 

     “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t even seen Iruka-Sensei since before the mission. Besides, what does it have to do with you?”

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