Tell Our Truth

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     I stuffed my face into the pillow to muffle my scream.

      Just thinking of the moment made me want to die. What was I even going to say?

      Groaning into the pillow I thought about these past few events.

      Since meeting Kakashi everything has gone to hell.

      I’ve lost Naruto, Sakura-though did I even really have her?-and my confidence.

      ‘Such a pathetic doll, so easily broken.’

     Zabuza’s words shot through my mind.

      ‘No wonder Kakashi wanted you to leave, you can’t protect yourself.’

      Growling I shoved my face back into the pillow. Hoping that it suffocates me. 

     The thought of suffocation made me think of Zabuza.

     Bringing my hand up I felt around the bruise. I had inspected it in the mirror once we got here at Tazuna’s house.
      Everyone was resting now while Tazuna’s daughter, Tsunami, was cooking dinner.

    Back at the beach, Naruto was the one to break the little ‘moment’ Kakashi and I were having.

      He came up screaming about how awesome it all was.

     Kakashi had jumped away and abruptly stood up, that is until he swayed and started falling.

      I had bolted up to catch him. Unfortunately I couldn’t carry him alone and started falling myself. Naruto and Sasuke took him from me and we hurried on our way to Tazuna’s house.
     ‘An excellent job destroying your teammates.’

     Tazuna’s voice formulated in my head as I thought about what happened.

       As we walked Tazuna had left Sakura’s side to talk to me.

     “You know, You’ve done an excellent job destroying your teammates.” Tazuna’s tone wasn’t accusing, just…matter-of-fact. 

     “Excuse me?” My tone portrayed my indignation at the accusation. 

     “I just mean, that you’ve completely changed the dynamics. Even an outsider like me noticed you’ve caused major tension.” He mused. 

     “I don’t see how that’s any of your business. Especially since you’re the reason most of the tension exists.” I snapped, annoyed with the conversation. Tazuna put his hands up in surrender, and was silent for a few moments. 

      “What are you going to do about it?” He spoke like a mentor trying to teach his student. 

    “Look!” I snapped but trailed off as I said, “I know how to fix the thing with Naruto, I don’t need to apologize to Sakura, and I have no idea what to do with Kakashi-Sensei.”

     Tazuna carried a thoughtful face, like he was deeply thinking of a way to help me. 

      “There’s not much you can do there. But maybe you should apologize to Sakura.”

      With that Tazuna had walked away.

      Once we made it to the house, Naruto and Sasuke set Kakashi on the couch while Tsunami ran to get a first aid kit. I immediately started working on him along with Sakura. Tsunami was instructing us as she worked.

       Once Kakashi was done she moved on to the rest of us. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke had a few cuts and bruises, nothing major.

    I was the only one with a choke mark. 

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