Exactly Five Seconds

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      I gripped a kunai as I ran full speed at the man with a cape.

    He swung the chain and I tucked and rolled, throwing the kunai as I went down.

    Quickly transporting myself in place of the kunai with a Kawarimi no Jutsu, I flew at the man, aiming my foot for his nose.

     He dogged, catching my ankle and throwing me at a tree.

    One of Naruto’s clones caught hold of me and then ran away.

    ‘Guess he’s choosing to team up with Sasuke instead of me.’

    I pretended it didn’t sting.

    The chain found its way to my face but I ducked and ran to the side.

     This man took down Kakashi like it was nothing.

     ‘I have to think fast.’

   Looking around I ran into the crowd of Narutos. 
     Finding Sakura still guarding Tazuna I tried to run to her.

    A chain came at her and suddenly Sasuke appeared and took the hit for her.

    Sakura screamed and shook as she watched.

    Naruto came to Sasuke’s aid and suddenly they were swept up once more.

    Running to Sakura, I stood guard as I spoke. 
     “We can’t win.” 
      “I know!” She yelled, gripping the kunai tighter. 
     “We have to get out of here.” I grit my teeth.
     “How do you suppose we do that.” 
    “Take Tazuna and go, He’ll know how to get back.” 
     “Just do it.” 
    Sakura nodded and grabbed Tazuna’s arm, running into the trees.

     I turned back and narrowly dodged the chain.

    This time it was the one with spiky hair, he must have noticed Sakura slipped away.

    Running at him I pulled out my anger and attacked ruthlessly.

     What was surprising, was that he stayed at my pace, matching my skill level. Like someone playing with their dinner.

     Shivering I swung my kunai, missing his head by an inch, then swinging my leg at his knee I managed to graze him before he jumped back.

    He laughed and chills ran down my spine. 
    “You’re cute. Maybe I’ll keep you!” His voice was low and gravely, rough with malice.

    I panted but managed a reply. 
     “Please, you wouldn’t have what it takes.”

    I took out another kunai and flipped them so that the blades were facing out instead of in.

     He laughed once more before getting ready for his attack.

     Jumping into action I aimed for his face, torso, knees, and arms. Each one he dogged. 
     Out of nowhere, the man was pulled away by his own chain and I watched as he collided with the other one.

      Kakashi stood to the side of them, holding both of the chains.

     In a flash the fight was over before it began, Kakashi had them tied up and beaten on the ground.

     He looked around, glancing over everyone before pausing to look at me.

     My eyes were roving over his form, checking for injuries, disbelief clouded my mind.

     Then I saw Sakura walk out of the treeline with Tazuna, looking nervous and a little shaken.

     Naruto and Sasuke looked just as confused as I felt. It took exactly five seconds after Sakura said sorry to Sasuke for it to click into place.

    We’ve just been tested.

     ‘That asshole, I thought...I thought he was gone.’ 
     “Kakashi-sensei? I thought you died!” Naruto yelled, shrieking in shock.

    ‘That makes two of us.’ 
     “Now, now, I just wanted to see how you’ve grown since you started. Your teamwork is much better.”

    Kakashi gave an eye-smile and then turned to the two men.

     “These two are the Demon Brothers, care to explain what they want with a bridge-builder on a C ranked mission?”

    The way he asked was light-hearted, however, it was clear that lying would be unforgivable.

    Tazuna was sweating buckets, nervously glancing around. All it took to break him was a single look into Kakashi’s eye. 
      “I’m so sorry! I didn’t have the money to pay for an A ranked mission! My country’s poor, overrun with mercenaries and thugs! That’s why we need the bridge, it’s our only hope of running the thugs out of town.” Tazuna was panting by the time he finished.

      We all were silent, listening to his sorrow filled sobs. Finally Kakashi nodded and turned to us. 
      “Does anyone wish to forego the mission?” Kakashi asked, the question wasn’t suggestive in any way, but the fact that he asked had me skipping a beat.

     He wanted to help the man.

     I smiled, even if this made me uneasy, I knew that I would support this man.

    I shook my head, and one by one the others followed, each with their own trademark response.

    “Alright, then prepare for the worst.”

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