I Pissed Off My Bodyguard

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     Team Seven stood in the Hokage’s office. We had just completed another D mission.

     I looked away from the wooden desk, which was covered in paper, to Kakashi.

      He looked relaxed, his shoulders slouched and his hands in his pockets. He was ‘eye-smiling’ as he listened to the Hokage.

    But I knew better.

     One, Kakashi wasn’t reading his book, he’s never given a shit about what the Hokage had to say about their missions before.

    Which means that he is either trying to focus on the Hokage instead of something else, or he is so deep in his thoughts about a subject that he didn’t even notice.

    Kakashi was furious, it was only an hour ago, yet the looks he gave me still have me chilled to the bone.

    When we left the Nara residency Kakashi had been quiet the entire time. He hadn’t said a word, but he walked close to me. He’s been like that since then, during the mission and everything.

     He was still treating me cold, even more than normal. But he wasn’t avoiding me. In fact he was hovering.

   Almost felt like I pissed off my bodyguard. 
    When we walked past Naruto’s and my apartment, Kakashi abruptly stopped.

     When I turned to look at him questioningly, he had roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my door.

    I was shocked at the treatment, it had scared me. I didn’t know what I did to make him so angry, and tears started to form.

    He pulled me up to him, till our chests-or my chest and the part between his chest and abdomen-were almost touching, my wrist was up in the air, almost level with his cheek.

        It made me uncomfortable, vulnerable.

     He bent down. His face was so close to mine, a small space between our noses. He bore into my eyes. The look he gave me was so intense. I couldn’t quite place the emotion, there was anger yet a vulnerability I hadn’t seen before.

   It was different from the vulnerability he had while he was having a breakdown. This seemed far more…fresh?

    It was hard to describe. There was desperation, as if he was desperately trying to believe something. 
    “Go change.” His voice was low, dangerous.

    There was no room for disagreement.

   I nodded hesitantly. 

   “Yes sir.” I gulped around my words, a knot in my throat forming from the emotional distress.

    He let go of my wrist and stepped back. I shakily turned to open the door, my hands fumbling with the key as they trembled.

    All the while Kakashi watched me. Finally I had gotten the door open and I rushed inside. Kakashi made no move to enter and I made no move to invite him in.

     I rushed to go change, throwing Shikamaru’s clothes into the wash as I did so. Once finished I rushed out to Kakashi and quietly shut the door.

    We walked in silence till we were almost to the bridge where the team would meet.

    The silence was broken however, when Kakashi said something. It was quiet, almost too quiet, and it sounded as if he was trying to convince himself more than me. 

     “You wouldn’t want to get his clothes ruined on your mission.”

    I blinked, trying to register what his words meant. I understood that he was right, however I didn’t understand why he cared.

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