Probably Sex

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     The eraser fell onto his head of gravity defying silver hair.

   This Kakashi, was tall, fit, and somewhat undeniably handsome.

    Which was odd considering only his right eye was shown.

    He wore a black mask and his hitai-ate slanted across his left eye.

   He stared at us each individually. His eye droops in a bored manner. Naruto was laughing on the floor, like that pathetic stunt was the funniest thing in the world. Sasuke was rolling his eyes, watching Kakashi.

    Sakura was quick to defend herself.

   “I tried to tell him not to but he didn’t listen! I had no part of this!”

   So she was a serious suck up. Well it would be a bit hypocritical of me to be annoyed but she was such a bitch to Naruto.

    His eye landed on me next and he just stared.

    That bored eye drilled into my mind with such intensity.
    He was studying me like I was doing to him, but that onyx  was making me uncomfortable.

    I wanted to look away but at the same time I didn’t. 

   'Why was he studying me so intensely?'

    He didn’t study the others this way did he?

    Finally he looked away, and I could suddenly breathe again.

    A blush crept up onto my face and I looked down at my desk.

    That was weird right?

    ‘Or was it just me?’

    “Meet me on the roof.” He said it in complete boredom.

    His voice was deep, smooth and the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.

   I was so caught up in his voice I didn’t acknowledge what he said.

   “(Y/N), let's go!” Naruto yelled, grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door.

   ‘Why did he want us to go to the roof?
Couldn’t he say what he needed to in the classroom?’

    Once we got to the roof Kakashi had us sit on the stairs. Sasuke and Sakura were already there.

   “Sorry Kakashi-Sensei, (Y/N) was busy day-dreaming about who knows what. Probably about sex.” Naruto trailed off grumbling as he pulled me to our seats.

    My entire face flushed, and my ears burned, scorched by embarrassment. 

   “Naruto! I was not!” I screamed.

    How could he say that!

   Kakashi was looking at me again, a hint of mirth dancing in that lone eye. I looked away and elbowed Naruto in the ribs cursing him into oblivion. He laughed and clutched his side grimacing in pain. 

   “So to start off our new team, why don’t we get to know each other. State your name, likes, dislikes, and hobbies. Oh and your dream.” He drawled waving his hand in a swerling gesture.

   He stuffed his other hand into his breast pocket and pulled out a tiny orange book, flipping it open to a random page and lazilly reading it.

   ‘So he really doesn’t care to get to know us. Great.’ 

   “Why don’t you give us an example.” Sakura asked, making a worldly gesture with her hand.

   Kakashi nodded looking up at us from behind his book. 

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