Play The Game

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      Anko was a strange woman. She wore a fishnet covered tan bodysuit that went down to her knees. She had a burnt orange skirt and silver shin guards built into her shoes. A sand colored trench coat hung off her body. She wore a confident smirk and a cheeky look in her eyes. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail, but it was like a porcupine's quills, all spiked up and intimidating.

    Ibiki seemed to be exasperated with her presence. They conversed in hushed voices. Then she turned and examined us. 

    “These are quite the few candidates. Ibiki, your test was too easy.” The voice was chaotic, high pitched and bossy. 

     “Or maybe we just have an excellent crop this year.” Ibiki smirked at us.

    Anko waved him off and her eyes turned malicious.

     “My test will weed them out. By the time they finish only half will remain. If they’re lucky.” She chuckled dangerously.

    Then she sighed sorrowfully. “For now you are dismissed. I’ll give the location of your next exam to your Jonin instructors.”

    She piped up again and a huge smile lit up upon her face. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”

    She went back to conversing with Ibiki and we all slowly got up to leave.

    Most of us seemed confused about what just happened.

    I stayed by the wall to meet up with my team. 

    While I was waiting I looked out to the crowd.

     The team from Sand walked out the door, but not before Gaara caught my eyes and stared at me blankly. Kankuro hesitantly put his hand on his shoulder and Gaara just nodded. Then they were gone.

     Kabuto waved at me.

    The Sound nin glared viciously.

    Kiba’s team didn’t seem to notice me.

    When Lee and his team passed me, Tenten and Lee smiled and waved while Neji only glared. 

     Shikamaru nodded to me while his teammates just stared at him weird.
When they passed me I decided to ask something that’s been on my mind. I haven’t thought about it, but when I saw Shikamaru I suddenly remembered. 

      “Hey when’s a good time for me to come over and get my clothes? I know it’s been a while but I’ve been busy.”

    When I returned his clothes to him no one was around and I was in a hurry. So I just left them on his porch.

    Ino gaped at me and Choji choked on his chips. Shikamaru just sighed and muttered something like ‘troublesome women.’ 

   “Shikamaru what the hell is she talking about?” Ino demanded an answer.

    She looked between us and her face looked like it was about to explode. Red blossomed on her cheeks and down her neck.

   Shikamaru just sighed again. Running his hand down his face and rolling his eyes. 

    “You can come by later today. My mother kept your stuff in a bag in my room. She said I should bring it to you but it seemed like too much work. She’ll be happy to see you. I think she wants you to be my future wife or something. Something about worrying for my future. What a drag.” Shikamaru drowled and sighed again.

    I just cocked an eyebrow and giggled.

    “I’ll try to get away from Naruto.” 


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