He's So Fucking Beautiful

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     “(Y/N)!” Naruto’s god awful voice hit my groggy mind like a brick. I groaned and buried my face further into the pillow.

     “(Y/N)!” Naruto screeched and pulled on the blankets. I held them tighter and growled. 

     “Go away!” I croaked, sleep cracked my words like old concrete. My limbs were heavy and my eyes hurt. 

     “Why are you so tired?”

    Naruto tugged the blanket harder. I scoffed.

    ‘Cuz I stayed up all night talking with…’

    I snapped my eyes open and shot up. I ran a hand down my face and groaned.

    I peeked a glance at the window, it was open.

     “I opened it last night, guess I fell asleep. Sorry.”

    Naruto waved his hand to dismiss it.

    ‘Last night…Did any of it really happen?’

   A galaxy patterned bra was shoved into my face. Naruto pinched the straps between his index and thumb, a disgusted curl to his nose displaying his disdain for the object.

     “Why is this pulled out! I told you I don’t want this…” he curled his lips into a sneer, “stuff all over! You have a drawer, use it! How many times do I have to tell you!”

     I just rolled my eyes as he dropped the bra onto my lap. 

    “About as many times as I have to tell you not to leave the window open.”

    Naruto rolled his eyes.

    I gazed at the bra, it’s purple swirls melting into bright blues and pinks. A black abyss swallowing the edges. Bright white stars dot the merging colors. I sigh.

    ‘So Kakashi really was here, which means he really did run again.’

   I stood up and looked to the window.

   ‘Does that mean Eric… no… Daniel. Does that mean Daniel was real?’

    It all seemed so surreal.

     Sighing again I went to get ready for the day. My foot hit something on the ground and I looked down to find a little orange book. 

    I picked it up, remembering Kakashi’s warning about the author. Tucking the book back under my underwear I left the room.

     I am vaguely aware I should be embarrassed that Kakashi went digging through my underwear drawer, but the embarrassment took a backseat to the pain of Kakashi’s rejection.

     I get that he’s scared.

     But fuck that!

    I can’t keep allowing myself to be strung along.

    But I am helpless to his intense eye, or his strong hands. His uncovered face flashed before my eyes.

    ‘God, he’s so fucking beautiful!’

    I sighed dreamily but then shook my head.

      ‘No! He’s being a dick! Pull yourself together!’ 

    “Hey (Y/N)! I have training today with Ebisu-Sensei so I’ll be heading out.” Naruto pretended to puke as he said Ebisu’s name. I rolled my eyes.


     “Why are you training with Ebisu?”

    Ebisu was a gross man. He was incredibly strict but he was a total perv. He had no respect for people he believed was lower than him. 

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