His Laugh

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     It was late monday afternoon and we had just completed the D mission:

    Catching Tora.

     “That was one vicious cat, I have scratches places I didn’t think he could reach.” Sakura whined while investigating the damage to her skin. 

    “I think catching Tora should be an S-ranked mission in difficulty.” I joked while doing my own investigation.

   Tora got me right above my pants.

    Lifting up my shirt, I pulled my pants down till they hung low on my hips. I tried to see past my breast to look at the scratch but I couldn’t see it very well.

    I cursed and looked up to find Kakashi staring at me from his spot against a tree.

    He had his book out but he was looking over it. He didn’t seem to notice that I caught him. He wasn’t looking at my face.

     A blush spread across my cheeks and I gripped my shirt tighter.

    I don’t know what he’s looking at exactly, but wherever it is he was boring holes into it. 

     I found myself giving him a one over, or more like a thrice over.

    I looked from his face to his shoulders - I always seem to stare at them - To his strong arms -They would be really nice to be wrapped in- To his chest and abdomen - He probably has a six pack - To lower - Why am I so attracted to him?- 


    A smooth voice interrupted my ogling.

   It was so deep, dreamy, and breezy. But it had the slightest hint of breathlessness, almost a sigh.

     It sent a shiver through my body, it made my knees weak.

   That voice did things to me.

     I snapped my head up to Kakashi’s face, he was looking me in the eye.

   He caught me staring!

   ‘Fuck! Shit!’

     What do I do? I stare wide eyed as Kakashi makes his way towards me.

    I was caught in that eye. Frozen to my spot. I wanted to run, but he pulled me in and all I can do is helplessly stare in shame.
     He was feeling smug, the way he puffed out his chest just slightly. How he walked over with so much confidence.

     The way his eye narrowed and crinkled, the way it does when someone is smiling.

    How his head is tilted just so.

    It was hard to tell because of the mask but when he was looking directly at me, eyes locked and fuck, if this wasn’t the sexeist fucking thing in the world I probably won’t survive whatever is.

    Without realizing it I had dropped my shirt and moved my hands to the center of my chest as a way of protecting myself.

    Because as I stare up at this man in front of me, I feel more vulnerable than anyone's stare has ever made me feel. 

    I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

     I found myself subconsciously moving closer, leaning towards him. His hand reached out and he leaned down and- 

     “(Y/N)! Kakashi-Sensei! Hurry up!” Naruto’s voice snapped me out of my trace and I snapped my head to look at him.
    Naruto was staring at us impatiently, I hurriedly looked at Kakashi before running towards Naruto.

    The others were already walking away.

    I looked back at Kakashi to see him staring at us. He wasn’t moving but he looked shocked, like he was trying to understand what had just occurred.

   I was too. I don’t understand, but I sure as hell will figure it out. But it will have to be later.  


     At Ichiraku's Ramen Shop we all sat in a row eating the famous food.

   Kakashi sat next to me on the left with Naruto on my right. Sakura was fawning over Sasuke and Naruto was chatting Sasuke's ear off.

    I looked over to Kakashi to see that he already finished his bowl. 

     “How the hell did you finish that already?” I asked him, looking up at him suspiciously. He eye-smiled before saying. 

    “Well I can’t let you see my face. Besides once you’re a Ninja you learn to eat fast.” I raised a brow at him before snorting. 

    “Why do you wear a mask anyway?” 

    “Well doesn’t it add an air of mystery?” I blinked before laughing loudly. 

    “Well it certainly makes a person curious, I mean what if you’re super ugly?”

     There was a beat of silence before the most beautiful thing I ever heard rang out in the stand.

    Kakashi was laughing.

     I gasped as I stared at this shaking form.

     He clutched his stomach as he laughed wholeheartedly. It was so beautiful, like what I imagined an angel’s laughter to be.

     It was deep and wholesome, full of life.

      My heart quickened and my face flushed. This man should laugh all the time.
    His laughter bubbled down to a chuckle. I kinda felt a little disappointed.

   ‘I should make him laugh again.’

   I’ve never felt so… so… I don’t even know how to describe it.

    My heart beat so fast it hurt, beating against my rib cage in rapid collision. I clenched my hand to my chest as I continued to stare.

    Something was wrong with me. I should leave.

     Suddenly I felt so self-conscious. Kakashi was staring at me now. A questioning glint in his eye. I need to leave.

    What if he notices how affected I am? 

   I stood up abruptly. Naruto and Kakashi tensed in surprise. 

    “(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” Naruto asked, standing up and putting a hand on my arm. 

   “Nothing. I’m just not hungry anymore. I’m going back home.” I can’t let them know, not until I figure it out myself. 

   “Would you like me to go with you?” He asked, concern etched into his face. I shook my head. 

    “No, it’s alright. You should stay and finish our ramen.” I glanced at Kakashi to see him staring up at me.

    I looked away quickly. Suddenly I couldn’t meet his eye. What was wrong with me? 

    “Thanks for the meal.”

    Wrapping an arm around myself. I was looking off to the side.

    I turned around to leave but Kakashi called out to me.

    I looked over my shoulder to see him standing up. 

    “We have a mission in an hour, meet us at the bridge.” I nodded before walking away.

    Ten minutes later and my heart was still beating too fast.

    Once I got home I hugged my pillow and tried to reason through what happened.

    But my thoughts were completely occupied by Kakashi.

    My heart sped up again as I thought of his laugh.

     I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself to sleep.

    Maybe a good nap would help.  

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