Land Of Dreams

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     Sakura and I stumbled through the forest, careful of every little noise.

    Blood dripped from my shoulder, but I had no time to stop it. Naruto was heavy on my back, like dead weight. I held onto his legs as they laid loosely around my hips, his arms hung limply across my shoulders.

     I was sweating and panting like a dog. My back was killing me and I feared there was some serious damage done. My legs burned as we trekked. My hair stuck to my face and I could hardly see as my sweat dripped into my eyes. 
    Sakura wasn’t much better. She carried Sasuke on her back as well, but with each step I saw her grip loosen.

    While I was watching her I ended up tripping over a rock and I went tumbling down to the ground.

     Sakura yelled my name but I kept rolling.

    When I finally came to a stop I gave myself a moment to catch my breath.

    Sakura came stumbling to me and stared down in concern. I chose to just lay there and stare at the sky. Sakura looks around and gasps. I immediately sat up.

    Sakura just smiles, an exhausted look to her eyes. She offered me a hand and I took it after staring at it and contemplating the pros and cons of staying in the soft grass.

     Pulling me to her she excitedly pointed at something, Sasuke sliding to one side. 
     “Look! Look!”

    She gave a breathless exhale as joy welled inside her lungs.

     “It’s a cave!”

    I looked to where she was pointing, a cave just a few feet in front of us.

   I’ve never seen a more welcome sight. Grinning and running to Naruto’s unconscious body and picking him up.

     Sakura’s excitement and the sight of the cave pushing a new determination. 

   When we get to the cave Sakura and I immediately deposit Naruto and Sasuke to the ground before collapsing ourselves.

    My muscles protested everything, even breathing. I stared at the rock surrounding us and swept my gaze out to the forest once again. My vision started to blur. 

    “Sakura. I don’t feel to good,” I cut myself of with sharp intake of breath. I reached for my shoulder and brought my hand to my face.

     “I think I cut myself a little deep.” My hand was soaked in blood, wait, why do I have two hands on one wrist?

    I furrowed my brows as Sakura crawled to me. I mean Sakuras. There’s two of them. They gazed down at me with worry and I looked back to the forest, my head spinning. 

    The sun highlights the beauty of nature and a butterfly flutters through the clearing. I smile and close my eyes.

     Team 7 is standing and waiting for me. Kakashi holding out his hand, Naruto grinning, Sasuke and Sakura waiting patiently. But then Eric calls me, Zabuza and Haku. I’m torn as more and more hands grip my arms.

    Iruka-Sensei, Third Hokage, Lily, Tazuna, Tsunami, and Shikamaru. They pull me away from Eric’s gentle grasp, from Zubuza’s strong fingers. From Haku’s caring hands.

     I look back and see Eric smiling softly, a word on his lips. I squint my eyes and lean towards him, trying to figure it out.

    But then I’m gasping for breath and pain erupts throughout my muscles. 

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