Never Actually Saw His Face

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   An annoying beeping was the first sign of my senses coming back.

    The next was the simmering pain just below the surface. Soft blankets piled heavily on top of me.

    I fluttered my eyes open and blinding white light invaded them.

   I hissed and brought my hand to my eyes. Pain erupted in my shoulder and I groaned pitifully. 

    “You’re finally awake!” Kakashi’s soft voice flooded my ears and I tried to understand his words.

    He sounded so relieved for some reason.


    I finally blinked the light from my eyes and cleared the fog from my head.

  Looking around I was in a white room. I looked down to see I was in a hospital nightgown. 

    “What happened?”

   My head was killing me and I rubbed my eyes. 

  “What’s the last thing you remember?”

   I thought back and suddenly gasped. Sitting up I looked at him startled.  

    “The preliminary!” I whined as my voice was too loud for my ears.

    Kakashi chuckled and caressed my head. I leaned into the touch subconsciously. 

   “You passed out after you won the match and missed the rest of the fights.” I groaned.
   “How did the others do?”

   I closed my eyes and sighed. 

    “Naruto and Sasuke are moving on with you.” Kakashi sounded proud but distracted. 


    I looked at him and his eye softened. He almost looked loving. 

    “She tied.”

    I wanted to know more but Kakashi didn’t say anything else. 

    “What did the doctors say?” 

    “Your back was badly damaged. They believe it was constant assault throughout the exams that made it so bad. Thankfully the doctors were able to heal you. But you have to take it easy. The next exam is in a month. While others will be training you need to rest and let yourself heal.” Kakashi’s soft voice turned firm. 

    “You sound like you’re my doctor.” I joked, trying to lighten the mood. 

    “I’ve been here long enough to have the doctors tell me five times.”

    Kakashi didn’t seem to take the bait. His voice was still hard. 

   “How long have you been here?” I worriedly examined his appearance. 

    “Since the preliminary ended.” Kakashi looked as though he hadn't slept. His hair was disheveled and his voice was shaky. 

   “When was the last time you slept?” He didn’t answer.

    “How long was I out?” 

    “Two days.”

      I gasped. He ran his hand down the side of my face and it came to rest at my cheek. His thumb ran along my bottom lip and I inhaled sharply. I grabbed his hand and gently removed it. 

     “I’m yours.” I said breathlessly and Kakashi seemed to melt.

    My soft grip turned firm.

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