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     It is now the fourth day of the exam. We are no closer than we were on the third day.

    Mainly because we’ve done nothing but rest up. Sasuke seems much better, and Sakura is back in high spirits. Naruto didn’t even need to heal.

    Currently Naruto was swimming in the river.

    Earlier, when we first found the river, I decided a bath was in order.

    With Sasuke being gay and living with Naruto I didn’t care as I stipped down and sank into the river.

     Naruto gagged, Sakura shrieked, and Saskue just left to do his own thing.

    I washed my clothes as well, and when most of the blood and all of the mud was washed away I gave them to Sakura so she could hang them up near the fire to let them dry. Eventually my fingers began to prune and I got out. Naruto left his clothes on the ground and I used them to dry off a little.

    Luckily my clothes were dry and I put them on carefully. 

    And that’s how I got here. Watching Naruto goof off. I wonder about that woman-Orochimaru- and what she did to Naruto.

    The Nine Tailed Fox was a ferocious beast that attacked our village when we were infants.

    It killed my parents.

   A man, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, defeated the beast and saved the village. But not without the price of his life.

     I’ve heard this story countless times, but I have heard nothing about a “Nine Tailed brat” as Orochimaru said.

    ‘Interesting. When your anger is aroused some of the Nine Tail chakra is released.’ 

    What did she mean? That Naruto somehow has the Nine Tails chakra inside of him? How is that even possible? I thought the Fourth Hokage destroyed the demon. And why Naruto?

     If even someone from a different village knows about Naruto having the demon’s chakra, then does everyone? Is that the law that no one is supposed to tell? Why all the adults hate him so much? Because Naruto is somehow connected to the Nine Tails?

     I curl into myself, bringing my knees to my chin and resting my arms on them.

     I watched Naruto laugh as he swam.

    ‘How could someone so full of joy be linked to something that caused so much destruction?’

      I filed my questions away for later, I didn’t want to ask Naruto about it just yet. Not until I had a better understanding. 

      Eventually Sakura calls us all to the fire and we dig into the food. As we ate I started planning.

    “I say we stick to the original plan and head towards the tower. Everyone is supposed to go there, so we’ll definitely come across someone with a heavens scroll.” 

     Sasuke nodded but then got up and left. I stared at the fire as flashes of Saskue’s transformation bled into my thoughts. I watched the flames wip around as a breeze blew by. 

     “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Kabuto’s confident voice snapped me out of my doze.

      I whipped my head to him and saw him holding the Earth scroll in Naruto’s hands.

     “When the scrolls are opened before the exam is complete they create a powerful genjutsu and leave those who’ve looked at it unconscious until the exam is over.”

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