He Lost All My Respect

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I slammed the door open just before the fisrt bell rang.

Iruka-Sensei raised his eyebrows and gave us a pointed look. I looked back with a ghost of a smile as I calmly walked to my seat.

Iruka was the only teacher I wasn't uptight around, mainly because Naruto and him were like brothers.

"Hi Iruka-Sensei! Sorry we're late, (Y/N) took so long in the shower!" Naruto dramatically exclaimed, a teasing glint to his eyes.

I rolled my eyes but shot him a glare. I sat down with a huff, watching Naruto closely, something was wrong.

Naruto never mentions us living together, not to anyone. I didn't care either way, but Naruto didn't want anyone to know how close we are for fear that I would be hated too.

It was his way of protecting me.

I gave him a questioning glare, Naruto just grinned as he sat down next to me. We sat in the back next to the window, I liked how it isolated me from the others.

Class hasn't officially started yet, we still have five minutes left. The previous bell was a warning, most teachers acted like it was the final one and expected kids to be there by then to take attendance.

Sakura and Ino could be heard down the hall, their shouts brought all attention to the door.

They burst through at the same time, fighting to get into the classroom first.

"I'll be the one to sit with Sasuke!" One of them shouted and Ino pulled Sakura's hair. They both tumbled through the door.

"Why do they like him so much?" Naruto grumbled to himself before getting up.

I watched curiously as he went. He perched himself on Sasuke's desk. He was in a squatting position and was staring evilly at Sasuke.

"Why do you always get their attention! You stupid prick!"

I couldn't see much so I got up to have a better look. When I got to my spot Naruto and Sasuke were liplocked!


Naruto and Sasuke stared wide eyed at each other. The guy behind Naruto stared horrified.

Everything was frozen, but there was something about this picture. It just seemed right. Like something normal.

Not seeing it, but it's like they naturally looked like a couple.

They both looked horrified but at the same time they didn't look disgusted.

They both jumped away from each other, their faces twisted in disgust and were holding their throats and coughing.

"Naruto I'll kill you!" Sasuke coughed out.

I looked to where Sakura and Ino were standing, only to see them cracking their knuckles with their veins popping out of their foreheads.

Before they could get near Naruto I brought him back to our seats, dragging him by the collar.

"Wait! We have to bring justice upon this idiot!" One girl shouted out, I just turned to stare at the group with a glare.

"He may be an idiot but he's my idiot. Any of you touch him and I guarantee you won't ever be able to even try to seduce Sasuke ever again."

I know that it's a fib, but they don't have to. The girls all prided themselves on their looks, if they think I'll ruin that and their chances with Sasuke they won't take the risk.

They don't deserve to be Ninjas.

Everyone but Sakura and Ino went back to their seats grumbling.

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