Chapter 3: 40 Levels Deeper

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

"You're telling me that you know where their file is...?" I questioned. He sighed, "indeed I do-" he started before I interrupted, "Then why are you telling me? Surely, I have no right to know the personal information of another," I pause and clear my throat," ahem, 'subject'?" "And my boss had no right to play with human life, yet he still did." He spoke, anger laced delicately into his tone. 

"Fine, you're telling my where I can find Subject 0's," I paused, trying not to gag from the lingering stench of decay, "file." "Yes, I am Miss Darcey." I exhaled softly, "There has to be some sort of a catch. It's like you're giving me a choice that completely contradicts itself..." "I can't say I understand what you mean, Miss Darcey.."

"It's like if you give someone the choice of life and death," I spoke calmly, "and they chose death, but they live instead. Or if they chose life and died." "You truly are smarter than what they've said."

"Go through the door on your right, and make the decision..." He said in an almost commanding tone. I sighed and did what he asked, walking through the door on my right, 'finally, my nose can breathe fresher air'. The room was filled with natural light, the walls weren't stone cold grey but rather sky blue. I noticed a door made of glass...the exit. As I looked around to see if there was another speaker something else managed to catch my eye...a second door, the handle looking old and worn like it was used regularly despite the door itself looking relatively new.

"I was right, you are giving me a choice. A choice with a catch hooked onto it like a fish to bait." I sighed, "this door doesn't lead to another room on ground level, does it? No, it goes down. The real question I need to ask is how far down? How many floors does this facility have that are beneath the surface level?" There was silence for a few moments, not awkward silence but the kind when someone begins to zone out as if they remember something.

"There are 40 sub-levels in this building." 

"And which floor, pray tell, is this file on?" I question. "Level -35." He states. My brow furrows, "there's no way in hell that you'd send me down 35 levels just to retrieve a file." I pause for a moment, "Unless...there's something else down there." A second pause, "or someone..." My hand reaches for the handle but I pull it back, "in any other situation this would be a trap, but're too afraid to tell a lie." 

"And how did you come to that conclusion, Miss Darcey?" He spoke softly. "You're afraid of your boss, after what he did. He could be watching your every move as well as mine." Silence fell upon us again, only for a short moment. 

"You weren't allowing yourself to tell me directly, so you let me figure it out for myself." I spoke with a sort of confidence. "You were going to let me choose..." I exhaled, "Human life or my own freedom." "What would be your final decision?" 

"They day I leave another human to suffer, is the day I become exactly who I'm afraid of." 
On that note...I twist the handle and open the door. 

What awaits yet to be discovered.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 3 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 4 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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