Chapter 44: Bad Endings: Always

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A/N: I'm sorry but also kinda not.

Lizzie's P.O.V

"There's something you're not telling us. You're hiding something and I know it!" I spat at Zero.

"And how could you have possibly come to that conclusion? Last I checked, you cannot read minds." Zero spoke in a monotone voice.

"Because the one other person, who I know is a telepath, has been looking at you with the same disgusted expression ever since he first set eyes on you." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"You've been planning this from the very beginning. You were going to betray us the lot of you!" Pene snapped.

Icarus raised his hands in defense. "I can assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"We've suffered enough as it is. Why would I willingly make the choice to force someone else to suffer?" Genie whimpered.

"No. Icarus, Genie and even Achilles had nothing to do with this. It was just Zero. Betrayed by a member of my own family. What else is new." I spoke with a false smile.

"Let me guess, did Lulum put you up to this?" Violet asked.

Zero turned his attention towards the Hydde twin in question. "Surprisingly enough, he did not."

"B-but you have a reason, d-don't you?" Klaude stuttered.

"I do, and you'll find that it's a very valid reason." Zero spoke calmly.

Just then Riven let out an uncomfortable whimper.

She was sat on the ground, unable to move.

She looked as if she was frozen in place.

"What are you doing to her?" Angel cried out.

"I am doing nothing. Paralysis tends to be something my sister specialises in." Zero said flatly.

"My paralysis turns people to stone, her's seems to freeze them in place while they remain perfectly conscious of everything going on around them." Noire spoke softly.

"I'm n-not doing anything. Please, please believe me." Genie whispered while she was on the verge of tears.

"Manipulation. You manipulate people by getting inside their heads. You can use their side effects without them even being aware... What kind of a monster does that to his own sister?!" I yelled at him.

"Oh and." Zero paused. "You were right."

He spoke this as he pulled a hand gun out of his jacket.

"I was hiding something." He spoke darkly as he aimed the weapon at Riven's paralysed form.

The others backed away lightly.

I, however, crouched down in front of Riven, so my back was facing my nephew, and assured her that everything would be fine.

Riven only managed to smile at me weakly.

"Go on then, if you're so very brave." I taunted him. "Do your worst."

I heard the gun click from behind me.

I had to admit, I was a little on edge.

The silence, in a way, was calming.

It prepared me for the worst. I knew what was going to happen.

It's always better to let something happen rather than avoid it forever.

One gunshot went off and I felt a sharp sting in my back.

My dress was open at the back, you see, that's just how it was designed. So if one part of history had to die, at least another wasn't damaged.

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