Chapter 37: Those Two Words

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Lizzie's P.O.V

We were done running...

For now.

Riven's eye was still a little messed up. But she didn't seem to be in pain anymore.

Somehow we had managed to wander our way back to Darcey Manor. It seems Eastfell just led us in one big circle.

Looped around, back to where we started.

We were sitting in the drawing room. It was quite dark, there was no light other than a few lit candles.

Well, I say 'we' and by that I mean myself, Vice, Pene and Klaude were sitting. Angel, Riven and Noire were just laying on the carpet.

"Do ever stop and think, even for just a moment, that there is at least some possibility that we could make it out of this alive?" Pene asked.

"Of course." I responded. "All of us, all eight of us, will make it out alive. And besides, you never know what the future may hold. There could be so many more people like us in years to come.."

"We'd finally fit in." Angel spoke quietly.

"Violet wasn't dead when we left her, was she?" Vice asked softly.

"No, she wasn't. She was very nearly gone, clinging on to whatever life she had left in her." I replied in an empathetic tone.

"But h-how could you p-possibly have known?" Klaude stuttered.

Angel sighed heavily. "Because Lizzie has a strong connections to people's shadows. Each one is like its own energy source. If she can no longer feel that energy source, it means that person has died."

"S-so Violet's must have b-been wavering... o-or flickering, however you ch-choose to describe it." Klaude spoke.

"How did you know that?" Vice asked as he gave his sister a look of suspicion.

"Well, she told me. Because I asked." Angel replied promptly.

"I have a better question, to take our minds off this whole thing. If you could compare our lives to one thing, anything, what would you compare them to?" Pene asked.

"A mass of abandoned plot lines, useless and forgettable, sometimes even forgotten, characters all tangled in a not so delicate thread of a badly written story." Noire spoke calmly.

"That was... oddly specific." I chimed in.

"Well if you think about it, it's true. There's no good in this world, no answers and there's too many questions to be asked. And if there's anyone who knows anything about us, they're not even here. They're elsewhere doing god knows what." Noire replied.

"If there are ever more people like us out there at some point, I'd like to know if we'd be safe. If those guards would stop hunting us like prey." Angel spoke sadly.

Vice sighed softly. "Angel, people are going to hunt us down wherever we go. We're just not normal. We leave trails of mass destruction in our wake. Not to mention we, and will be, the causes of so many deaths. Innocent or not."

"So are we just going to be running forever?" Angel asked gloomily.

"I imagine that we'll run until we find a suitable enough place to hide. Then we'll re-emerge when whoever it is needs us." I answered.

"So we could really be heroes one day?" Pene questioned.

I smiled softly. "Yes, one day."

Just then we all heard a loud banging.

It didn't come from outside.

It was the door.

Something.... or someone was kicking the door.

We all stood up and faced the door.

The doorknob rattled a few times before the door itself eventually creaked open.

We could only see the silhouette of the person.

"Miss me?"

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 37 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 38 should be out soon

Catch You Later~ 

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