Chapter 22: The Story Behind A Name

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A/N: Leave comments down below of what you think of this book. In my opinion it's average, maybe less, but my friends keep hyping me up that it's not. So I wanted to see what my readers thought. 😊😁

Lizzie's P.O.V

"You know, you never told us their names." Violet spoke, pointing to the painting of the four youngest siblings. "Well I mean we know yours of course, but what about the others?"

"Child 11 is Edward-Lucifer. Child 12 is Edwin-Lucius. Child 13, me, is of course Elizabeth-Lillian. And child 14 is.... Edmund-Lawrence." I spoke softly. "Yes, I'm aware all our names sound the same but there's a reason for that."

"And that reason is?" Pene spoke as she raised her brow.

"Edward and Elizabeth are the names of my great-grandparents, Edwin and Lillian are the names of my grandparents. Lucifer and Lucius are just the names of two of my ancestors I suppose."

"What about Edmund-Lawrence? That has to be your uncle Edmund, right?" Noire asked.

I nodded. "My younger brother was given a name on his first birthday. I asked my father is I could name him because I knew exactly what to call him."

The others were silent and waiting for me to continue so I did.

"My best friend from my childhood was called Juniper Le Beau, and she had an older brother...."

~Flashback, Lizzie is 7~

I was happily staring out of a window. I was currently in the Le Beau mansion with Juniper's older brother, Lawrence. Juniper and I are the same age, Lawrence is 17 I believe.

We were currently waiting for Juniper to return with her Grandmother. She told me she wouldn't be long so i waited around.

"What are we going to do when Juni and your Grandmother return? Play hide'n' seek?" I asked.

"I thought you said that was a game for peasants?" Lawrence teased with a laugh.

"Uh, no. My 'mother' says that, not me. I like playing it. I have a big family so it goes on for hours!" I spoke with a smile.

He was always happy, always smiling. I always thought he wasn't telling us something. Hiding bad feelings.

"Lawrence?" I asked turning away from the window. "You would tell your sister or me if there was something wrong, right?"

Lawrence chuckled. "Of course I would. I know you don't like secrets. But I haven't told you anything, have I?"

I shook my head.

"Because nothing is wrong Lizzie..." He said with a kind smile.

That nickname. 'Lizzie'. I hated it at first, but I grew to like it. Nobody ever called me by it. Nobody except Lawrence.

"Lawrence, what is the date today?" I asked wanting to change the topic of discussion.

"I believe it is August 4th, 1914. Why?" 

I rolled my eyes. "The Witch's birthday is in ten days."

"You really call your mother a witch?" Lawrence quizzed.

"Yes, because I'm thoroughly convinced she is one." I replied.

I turned to face the window again when something shiny caught my eye. I pressed my face against the glass.

"You've obviously spotted something. What is it?" Lawrence spoke with a laugh.

"Something shiny." I took my face away from the window to look at him. "Can I go see what it is...?" 

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