Chapter 32: Gravitational Destruction

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Klaude's P.O.V

Violet, Vice and Angel had finally managed to meet up with us. We were able to catch them up on what had happened while they were gone.

"So what are we supposed to do about these heavily armed guards, outrun them?" Pene asked.

"Make me a giant human blueberry and slap Beauregarde as my surname, because I have no fucking idea." Violet said.

"Isn't Violet usually the one to spit out the smart comments?" Vice questioned.

"I would go that far as to call them smart. I'm not remotely intelligent, not in the slightest." Violet stated.

"We just have to run. Run until we see no end." Lizzie said calmly. "If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they shall have. I won't go easy on them and nor should you."

"Then let's fucking go, what are we possibly waiting for?" Pene said.

Some of us just shrugged in response.

That was it, back to walking. Not exactly the most interesting. Then again that's the problem with the world now. If it's not to do with us then it's boring. At least that's what everyone seems to act like.

Our lack of direction seemed to allow us to wander to an abandoned part of town. Or it seemed abandoned.

Then I heard something.

The uncomfortable silence only made it worse.

Several pairs of footsteps.

Sounded like running....

...Or marching.

It was hard to tell.

"Oh you've got to be kidding." Vice spoke with clear frustration.

"How the hell did they find us so quickly..?" Noire quizzed.

"Do we have tracking devices in our shoes?" Violet questioned while looking down at her shoes.

Then about fifteen or so guards walked around the corners.

"There's not that many of them. You'd think there be more." Angel said.

"Perhaps you spoke too soon.." Lizzie started as more footsteps could be heard. "They're coming from behind us."

"They're trying to trap us in.." Noire spoke softly.

"G-go, get out of h-here." I managed to spit out. 

"What?" Pene said with a breathy laugh. "You're joking. I'm not bloody leaving you."

"Pene p-please, let me d-do this as the older twin." I pleaded.

"Older by two minutes!" Pene snapped back.

"W-what if it was my d-dying wish, would you s-still let me do it?" I asked.

"Dying wish my arse! You are not dying, I won't let you!" 

"Pene we have to go!" Noire stated somewhat sternly whilst tugging on Pene's arm.

The others managed to get away before 15 more guards could surround us from behind.

"You b-best keep your distance." I spoke trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Oh? And w-what are you gonna d-do about it little boy?" One mocked.

"I'm n-not sure yet, but if you h-had any knowledge of me and m-my friends then you wouldn't come o-one step closer.."

"We're not gonna listen to you, kid. We have a job and we plan on doing it well."

"And w-what is that job?"

"To eliminate every last survivor." 

"Eleven m-more to go. Doesn't s-sound that hard. Well, if y-you forget the fact that we're not, as s-some would say, n-normal."

"Well we're specially trained to deal with little problems like you."

"Then g-get closer. I dare you."

They did.

All 30 of them took several steps closer. I was completely surrounded with no way out.

More nerves kicked in.


Several steps.

"P-please.... just leave us alone, just l-leave me alone.."

"No can do kid. It's too convenient that you're here all by yourself. We'll deal with your friends later."

"P-please...  step back. I don't w-want to hurt you."

"Believe me kid, you ain't gonna hurt us."


"J-just leave m-me alone." I begged.


"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled as my hands covered my ears and my eyes shut tightly.

I suddenly felt a huge burst of energy flow through me.

I opened one eye just to take a peek.

They were gone. All 30 of them, just gone.

Or at least they weren't on the ground anymore.

I looked up and my eyes widened in horror.

They were all 20 feet up in the air, floating in place.

I took my hands away from my ears. I could hear their yells of terror.

They were asking me, begging me to get them down.

I couldn't...

I didn't know how.

Then, right before my eyes, they were all slammed back down towards the hard concrete by the force of gravity.

Their insides became their outsides and their blood began to stain the road beneath them.

"W-what have I done..?"

I dropped to my knees, paralysed with fear.

"You did what was right." An all too familiar voice spoke gently from behind me.

"I j-just turned 30 people's b-bodies into mashed potatoes a-against the concrete road."

Noire walked up to me and placed her hand on my right shoulder.

"It's their fault." She started. "They've guarded us for so long and they still don't know the damage we're capable of."

I looked at her. 

My breathing was shaky and tears were threatening to spill from my eyes.

She held out her hand to me with a sweet smile on her face. "You don't have to be afraid. They know what you're capable of. You know what you're capable of."

I took her hand and she helped me to my feet.

I never noticed that Noire was just like me. She's afraid of people. Of how they judge everyone silently.

"They should've known better than to gang up on a 15-year-old." She spoke calmly. "Now there's no time to dwell on the past, we've still got several people's arses to kick."

I nodded. "Then l-let's do it."

"That's the spirit."

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 32 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 33 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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