Chapter 31: Familiarity

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A/N: Zero Darcey (19) & Genie Darcey (13)
(The picture used for Zero was chosen solely because of the hair colour and facial expression)

Noire's P.O.V

"Do you think we'll meet the others soon? We split off a while back, I'm worried that they won't find their way here.." I spoke worriedly.

"Relax. Violet knows her way around this town, doesn't she?" Pene replied.

"Th-they'll find their w-way back." 

I felt a tug on my right arm and looked down to see Riven pointing at something.

At someone.

Pene shielded her eyes from the sun so she could try and get a better look at the two people.

"They're by the town hall. Are they waiting for us?" Pene asked.

"How could they have possibly known that we'd be here. It's impossible." I spoke.

The four of us walked over to the two strange people.

The closer we got the more we noticed about them.

How odd they looked.

How young  they looked.

"It's not impossible that we'd meet you here. Nor is it a coincidence." The boy spoke with an expressionless face.

"Well it would be rude of us not to introduced ourselves, wouldn't it?" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"There'll be no need for that. I already know who you are." He spoke. "You lot are celebrities around here, in a way."

"Oh, we're celebrities in a world we're unfamiliar with and everyone like us is bound to know our names. Do we look like Harry Potter  to you?" Pene spat.

"It's sad to see I'm a stranger to all but one of you. The one who is no longer among you."

Again, no emotion. 

Is he okay?

"Are you just going to fail to acknowledge the girl standing behind you to your left? Can you not see her, is she invisible to you?" I asked.

The boy glanced over his shoulder. "Are you going to introduce yourself, or should I?"

The girl blinked a couple of times. "M-my name is Genie." She pointed to the boy. "And this is my brother, Zero."

"Do you have surnames by any chance?" Pene asked with depleting patience.

"We do. One that will sound all too familiar to you." Zero spoke blandly.

I assumed one of us were about to speak when heavy breathing and running footsteps interrupted us.

"Terribly sorry for my absence, it took me an hour to remember where the town hall was. I haven't been here since I was 14, and that was a long  time ago." Lizzie spoke as she tried to catch her breath.

 "You good?" Pene asked resting a hand on Lizzie's shoulder.

Lizzie waved her hand dismissively. "Yeah, I'm good." She took one glance at Zero and Genie and her half-smile faltered. "Hang on. I know you two."

"How? We've just met them now." I said.

"Because I saw a picture of the two of them back in the Darcey Manor." Lizzie spoke.

"Why would there be a picture of two strangers in your house?" Pene asked.

"B-because they're n-not strangers." Klaude stuttered.

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