Chapter 30: Which Way We Fall

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A/N: Achilles Nikos (16) ^

Vice's P.O.V

"If anything goes wrong I can just warn Angel."

"How? We're gonna be on a roof and she's on the ground. Are you gonna scream?" 

"I can talk to people in their minds."

"Oh, you're telapathetic."

I sighed heavily. "Telepathic, but yeah."

We walked through the door leading to the roof, and saw something we weren't expecting to see.

There was a boy, not so calmly, dangling his legs over the edge of the building.

"Hello? Are you the one Icarus said we'd be meeting on the roof?" Violet asked.

The boy dangerously swung his legs around so he could face us.

"You better stay back. I'm not fond of new people." The boy spoke nervously as he stood up on the ledge.

"We'll stay back if you get down off that ledge." Violet pleaded.

The boy looked over his shoulder to glance at the road below.

"There's a girl down there, talking to Icarus." 

"That's my sister. We're not here to hurt you, we're just like you."

"Maybe if we tell you our names, you can tell us yours." Violet spoke calmly.

The boy looked back at us. "That would be nice."

"My name is Vice Du Pont, and this is Violet Hydde." I spoke calmly.

The boy nodded. "M-my name is Achilles Nikos..."

"Please don't jump... or fall for that matter." I said.

"I'll try not to." Achilles said with what sounded like a faint false laugh.

"Try not to what, jump or fall?" Violet asked.

Achilles looked over his shoulder then back at us. "Jump."

"Achilles, it's okay. We all have a right to be scared.." Violet spoke gently.

"But there's not armed guards chasing you, hunting you every step you take."

"Then we work together. They should know how much destruction we're capable of. They're the ones who guarded us for the past 200 years." I spoke.

"And that's exactly the reason they'll come after you." Achilles spoke darkly. "They don't want anyone interfering."

Fear was clearly visible in his eyes.

"I don't wanna go.. I wanna live, I want to be normal." Achilles spoke, fear now laced into his tone.

"You can live, we can all live. We just can't live normally. We're not normal anymore, we just have to adapt." Violet spoke as her voice wavered slightly.

She was scared.

"We can help you. We might not look scared or worried, but we are. We are apart of something much bigger. All of us." I said.

"There's more of us out there, they're just not here yet. And we're going to have to do something that requires all of our combined strength." Violet stated.

"So you're saying that we could become the Kings and Queens of tragedy?" Achilles asked.

"Exactly." Violet replied as she held her hand out to Achilles. "You just need to get down off that ledge."

Achilles nodded softly.

All was going well until an arrow was fired, seemingly from nowhere, and lodged itself in Achilles left heel.

Violet let out a gasp as Achilles eyes widened in shock.

"I thought I would meet a better end than this. That I would die in a more heroic way. But I guess they stayed true to my name's origin." Achilles voice trembled as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "At least I got to make some friends.."

Achilles reached his hand out towards Violet and attempted to step down from the ledge.

His knees caved at the last second causing him to fall off the roof of the building.

Violet ran to the edge. "No!"


Angel's P.O.V


I did.

My eyes widened.

It was now or never....

I raised my hands and focused as much as I could on the body hurtling towards the ground.

'Come on Angel you can do this.'

'You can do this.'


I was yelling.

I'd never used my side effect before. 

The pain was unbearable. 

But I did it.

I caught him and lowered him to the ground safely.

My breathing was heavy as I looked at the body. "He's dead."

"Whoever did this is after us. And most certainly after you next." Icarus spoke. 

"It's horrible to see how cruel the world has become since we've been absent. It's insufferable to see how cruel it has stayed." I spoke with a wavering voice.

"Go find your friends Angel. Stay close and stick together."

"But what about you..?"

"I'll be fine, I'm not alone. We'll see each other again." Icarus said with a kind smile.

"Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise."

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 30 of Echos In The Catacombs

Chapter 31 should be out soon

Catch You later~

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