Chapter 6: Dead Fears

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A/N: Klaude & Penelope 'Pene' (Penny) Visól ^

Violet's P.O.V

"Wait. Hang on a second." Lizzie spoke. "Did you make a Titanic joke just now?"

"Uuh, when?" I asked

"When I compared the message to an iceberg. You said we're not on an ocean liner."

"Oh," I laugh. "I guess I did."

"Low blow." Lizzie states coldly.

"How so?" I asked again.

"I was on that ship." Lizzie says, her voice wavering.

"I guess you could say that my joke sunk faster than the Titanic did." I say proudly.

"Okay," Lizzie says as I pick up the tape player. "This is getting us nowhere." 

"And how is bringing that with us going to help?" Noire asks. I roll my eyes, "Isn't it obvious? Maybe there's someone here that can help up decipher it. I mean we all know that there are other people than just us down here." Noire narrowed her eyes at me. "And how do we know that we can trust them? Doesn't matter if they're like us, they could be bitches for all we know."

I opened my mouth to argue back to her but I was interrupted when Lizzie let out a huff of annoyance. "Would you two quick bickering like children for once in your lives?" Myself and Noire looked at each other for a brief moment before looking down at the floor. "Sorry." We stated simultaneously.

"Now," Lizzie started, being much less annoyed I might add. "Let's go find someone who can help us with.." She paused for a moment, "whatever it is that message means.

"Onward!" I yelled.

"To where?" Noire asked

"Uuhhh," I paused to think. "level -20?"

"Seems oddly specific." Lizzie pointed out.

"No more questions," I say, my impatience only growing. "Let's just leave."

Here we are again. Walking down flights of stairs....nothing new and exciting.

After hours, even though it was probably 8 minutes, we finally made it down to level -20. Although it wasn't quiet. There was a noise. No not that kind of noise, like someone being stabbed over and over. Jesus get your minds out of the gutters...

"Is someone crying?" Lizzie asked. She sounded really concerned...should I be worried that she emulates human emotion?

"Sounds like it." Noire said while putting her ear against the metal door. "This door is made of some thin type of metal....and it's cold." She stated moving away from the door and putting her hand over her ear to warm it up. "How did you know it was thin?"I asked curiously. She sighed before giving her response, "because I can hear a masculine sounding voice and I can tell what he's saying."

I bang my fist on the door, "Open up!"

Lizzie moves me aside and opens the door, "It wasn't locked, genius." 

As we walk in we notice two other doors, most likely leading to separate rooms. "I'll take the left, you take the right." Lizzie said and off she went into the room on the left...

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"H-hello?" I called out. 

"Who's there?" A male voice called out, in a very defensive tone. 

"Don't worry, I'm not here to bring you harm. My name is Elizabeth, I'm like you." I said calmly.

"You're the Darcey girl, aren't you?" He asked. '

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