Chapter 5: Broken Static

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Noire's P.O.V

I do not choose to trust others so easily. Violet is much more educated in the 'social aspect' of life. But there's something different about Elizabeth, she's lost and confused just like myself (and Violet of course). 

"So," Elizabeth started. "Would anyone like to explain what exactly we're going to do?" 

"Well, Lizzie." Violet paused for a second then looked at Elizabeth, "I am allowed to call you that right? It's not a nickname reserved for certain people is it?" She spoke with a worried tone like Elizabeth was going to dropkick her or something.

Elizabeth's response was a happy smile, something she probably hasn't done in a long time. "Of course, nobody has ever given me a nickname before. So it's different, but a nice different."

Violet gave relieved sigh, although it sounded more like she was holding her breath. I've noticed that she's been doing this a lot more frequently, it seems to be her go to whenever she's nervous or scared. "As I was saying, well as I started more like but that isn't the point. I have been hearing weird noises, almost like a voice saying the same sentence over and over.

"Do you think it could be a record player that's just stuck maybe?" Lizzie  questioned. "I don't think she ever takes the time to think." I mumbled hoping nobody would hear, but it earned a small laugh from Lizzie. "N-no...." Violet started, clearly oblivious to the comment I made a few moments ago. "I don't here any music, I just hear a voice like it's some kind of recording."

"Maybe it's a warning of some kind? That we shouldn't go further into the bowels of this building?" I murmured. "If  it is a warning that would mean we have to know what the voice is saying so we know exactly what the warning is." Violet argued. I sigh, there really is no winning an argument with a mouthy sibling.

Lizzie poked her head out of the open door frame then stepped back out into the empty stairwell, "I guess we're going deeper.."

Violet gladly followed her like a lost puppy. I, on the other hand, was much more cautious. I mean, who knows what's in this building. 

So it began, all three of us together walking down the next flight of stairs to level -11. Violet was keeping her ear close to the wall. "'s not here.." Violet sighed in defeat. "Since when do you give in so easily? It has to be 1 level lower then." I clapped back. "Your sister does make a valid point, Violet. It can't be any lower than level -12." Lizzie said, quite calmly actually despite this whole situation. 

"It's getting louder!" Violet called out, even though she was standing a few steps away from us. "It's in here!" She called out a second time, pointing to the door leading to level -12. Violet then proceeded to open the door and walk inside. "It really is a case of 'no fucks given' with her isn't it?" Lizzie spoke up rather curiously. My initial response was a simple nod, I don't speak much.

Calmly, but cautiously, we followed into level -12 and, to our surprise, there was indeed a small tape player sat atop a small wooden table. The only light source was an exposed bulb dangling from the ceiling. Any noise coming from the tape player was almost inaudible from the distance we were at, so we got closer. Then, and only then, could we make out the noise.

A man's voice kept repeating the same five words: 


"Creepy." That was the only word I could think of. Then again, what's not creepy about this place..? "Well, that was certainly..." Lizzie paused for a brief moment, "unsettling." 

"Do you think it has something to do with a Father experimenting on his daughters which only resulted in theirs deaths?" Violet piped up. "That seems to be the most logical option.." Lizzie agreed, though she seemed unsure. "What if those words don't all belong in the same sentence?" I spoke up. "What do you mean?" Violet questioned. I sighed, "I mean that it's broken words. We could be missing so much more."

"So you're saying it's like an iceberg?" Lizzie added. "What in the actual fucking world of grass does this have to do with icebergs? We're not on a fucking ocean liner." Violet stated being, once again, oblivious. 

"Most icebergs as we know it are, roughly, only 10% above water. Meaning we can't see the other 90% because it's, well obviously, underwater."

I smiled, "Exactly."

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 5 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 6 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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