Chapter 9: Threats and Promises.

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A/N: Why does this look accurate to their height in the story? ^

Also I decided to bring chapters 7, 8 & 9 out pretty close together because there most likely won't be another chapter for at least a week.


Vice's P.O.V

"We've been here the whole time." The white haired girl said calmly as she knelt down to talk to Angel. 

"Oh well I must not have noticed." Angel gave a nervous laugh. "Apologies..."

The girl smiled softly. "You don't have to apologise, it was our fault for not introducing ourselves." The girl sighed. "My name is Elizabeth-Lillian, or Lizzie as the rest of them prefer to say." She says gesturing to the four people stood by her.

Angel grinned. "That's a very pretty name." 

'At least there's one person who doesn't know who I am.'  A voice, surprisingly similar to Lizzie's, echoed in my head. It didn't seem like she was sad about it either but instead rather relieved.

"I'm sure yours is much more wonderful." Lizzie spoke, her attitude towards my sister was definitely much kinder than I was expecting.

"Not really, everyone thinks my name is too posh. Or stupid." Angel mumbled. "Angelique, or Angel as some people called me.."

"Well I think that's a beautiful name. And it's unique." Lizzie complemented.

"Really?" Angel spoke, happiness was practically radiating off her by this point. "Wait, what does unique mean?" 

"It means that you are very unlikely to meet someone with the same name, because not very many people seem to use it. They prefer boring names, like Josh." Lizzie said. "Anyways, I think it's about time my friends got to introduce themselves to you both."

The pink haired girl with purple horns waved energetically. "Hello! My name's Violet and this is my twin sister Noire." She spoke as she pointed to the pink haired girl with black horns next to her.

"Hi. Yes, my name is Noire. I don't usually speak eight paragraphs at a time, but I at least know what words like haemoglobin mean. Unlike Vi." Noire spoke. 

"That's not even a real fucking word!" Violet snapped back. 

'Out of all the siblings I've met, these two would definitely be the most likely to put a smile on someone's face.' 

"Ignore them." A girl, stood on Lizzie's left side, spoke. A blue substance had stained her lips. "I've known them for less than fifteen minutes and, spoiler alert, they do this a lot. Any-who, I'm Pene and this is my twin brother Klaude." She states as she points to the purple haired boy beside her.

"And he couldn't have introduced himself?" I ask in a rude tone. 

"He would." Pene states blandly. "But I doubt he could get a sentence out without stuttering a some point."

"Fair enough." I say.

Lizzie stood up and eyed me suspiciously. "It wouldn't kill you to tell us your name, you know."

"Ah but you see I felt as though I really didn't need to. Especially not to someone such as yourself, Princess." I spoke.

"I'm sorry?" Lizzie said as if she didn't believe what she heard.

"You heard me correctly, Princess. I know exactly who you are, and just know that I've never trusted your family. They were always up to something." Harshness was audible in my tone.

"I'm sorry that you think that way. But here's a news flash, every single person on this earth, related to me or not, is up to something. Good, bad we may never know." Lizzie snapped back. Quite the feisty one.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Or your wealth. Princess." I was practically mocking her at this point.

"I beg your pardon?" Lizzie spoke.

"And what's with the dark make-up? Adding a touch of goth now Princess?" I asked, my tone still mocking.

"Well I think it adds a touch of colour to my pale skin. Also try to refrain from calling me 'Princess '."

"What's the matter? Don't you like your new nickname?" I taunted.

"No I don't. In fact I despise it. And I calmly ask you to stop using it immediately." Lizzie retaliated. 

"What are you going to do about it if I choose not to? Go on, show what you're going to do Princ-" I taunted her further.

"That is enough! I've kindly asked to to stop referring to me by that so-called nickname as I highly despise it!" Lizzie snapped at me. "And if you really want to know what I'm going to do about it..." She took a deep inhale. "I will kill you with my bare hands, drain the blood from your corpse and then mount your freshly disembodied head atop a flagpole! Oh and just to add some decorative flair I will then proceed to disembowel you and wrap your large intestine around your dismembered neck like an ugly scarf from last season!"

Somehow I was able to show no emotion but I'm sure that my skin had paled drastically.

"She's not just saying that to intimidate you. She will go through with it. Consider it a threat and a promise." Violet piped up.

Angel hadn't moved from where she was knelt. Her eyes were darting between me and the others, almost like a volleyball being tossed back and forth over the net.

"What Lizzie said before about us being here to help you. She really did mean that." Noire spoke softly.

Lizzie's tone had become much softer. "It is a promise I intend on keeping. Even making sure that you and your sister come to no more harm whilst I am alive is a promise I will keep until the end of time." 

"Why would you help us? Why would you help me? You don't even know my name." I spoke, my words being much more genuine.

"Because the man behind all this needs to be taught a very valuable lesson. And we need your help in doing so." Lizzie looked at me with kind eyes.

There was complete silence for a moment. Almost like everyone had held their breath.

"My name....." I started and Angel looked at me with an innocent smile.

"It's Vice."

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 9 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 10 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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