Chapter 33: Silent Paralysis

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A/N: Prepare yourselves for chapter 34. I apologise in advance if this chapter is not the best.

Violet's P.O.V

Klaude and Noire were still somewhere. They'll find us soon.

More guards had turned up out of the blue. I told the others to go, to find somewhere safe to hide.

There were only around 7 of them.

I could deal with 7 of them, right?


I looked down at my hands.

It couldn't possible be that hard.


Except I had no idea how the fuck my side effect works.

All I know is that it shuts people up.

I don't know how to control it.

They were getting closer, I could hear them.

Come on think Violet, think!

"Violet what the fuck, you can't handle them on your own." I heard my twin yell.

"I thought you were with Klaude?" I yelled back.

"I was but I told him to run, to go find the others. Now come on we have to get some distance."

"Are you suggesting a sneak attack?" I asked.

"Perhaps if you'd shut up."

"Fine let's just run and find a place to hide temporarily."

So we did.

We ran.

They were chasing us of course.

Luckily for us they didn't see us hide.

There was silence.

No words spoken.

The only movement was the occasional worried glance we exchanged.

We could hear them.

We could hear their heavy footsteps as they made their way past.

Noire slowly crept out from where we were hiding. She made next to no noise.

She crept behind one that was furthest in the back.

Noire shut her eyes tightly as she reached her hand out to touch the guard's back.

He must have felt it because he turned to face her, anger written across his features. "You little sh-!"

Noire looked terrified.

He froze.

Trapped in place.


Then, all of a sudden, he slowly began to turn to stone. Terror now plastered into his features.

"Still as a statue." Noire spoke softly.

Now the others were all focused on my sister.

Come on Violet, you can do this.

I slowly crept around the back of them. I jumped on the back of one and somehow, in one swift movement, managed to snap his neck with ease.

His body dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

"There's two of them?!" One guard cried out as they turned their attention to me.

I let out a nervous laugh with a grin plastered on face and gave a small wave.

I looked each of them dead in the eye before placing my index finger gently over my mouth.

"Shh." I uttered.

Nothing happened at first. I have to say I was disappointed.

But then something odd started happening.

The skin around the remaining 5 guard's mouths began to fuse together.

What was their mouths became nothing more than a thick layer of flesh.

Each one had tears in their eyes. Not tears of sadness, of course, but more like tears of pain.

Their pale faces became a hue of purple and blue...


Almost like they were being suffocated or strangled. Like they couldn't breathe.

They dropped to the floor like flies.

"How did they even die?" I asked. I was so unbelievably confused.

"Even thought their noses weren't blocked, perhaps access to their airways were?" Noire spoke. "Therefore... strangled." She added with a shrug.

"But you turned a man to stone with your hand!" I exclaimed.

"And I shall name my hand Medusa."


"Because she turns people to stone if they look her in the eye."


"The lady with the snake hair?"


"The gorgon, Greek mythology, cursed by Athena..."

"Oh, that's what her name is? I thought it was Aristotle."

"That's not even close."

"Isn't it?"

"No. We have more important things to worry about right now, Vi."

"Like what?"

"Leaving the crime scene and going to find the others?" 

"Oh, yeah we should probably do that.."

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 33 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 34 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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