Chapter 12: Into The Wild

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A/N: Just to be clear Pene is pronounced Penny, not Peen as psychobitch941977 seems to think 😂

Lizzie's P.O.V

We finally reached ground level, but something seemed slightly off. The door we came out of was the door I went through.

"Ah, so you've found the others." An all too familiar voice said.

"Hello Mister Scottish man in the speaker!" Violet exclaimed in excitement. I shook my head and smiled.

"Hello Violet." He spoke. We could practically hear him smiling.

"Just to be clear, your name is  Avanstein? Right?" Noire asked almost silently.

"Yes that is indeed my name, Noire." Avanstein spoke.

I slapped my hand over my mouth. "Oh my goodness I completely forgot. Riven's file..."

"Do not fret, Miss Darcey. The file was never down there." Avanstein spoke calmly.

I moved my hand away from my mouth and my brow arched. "What on Earth do you mean it wasn't down there?" I practically snapped.

Pene sighed and shook her head. "Isn't it obvious? He has it." She spoke as she folded her arms.

I waved my hands. "Oh never mind that now. I have a more important question." 

"Go ahead, Miss Darcey." Avanstein spoke.

"Why is the the door leading to the sub-levels the same as the elevator that leads us from the sub-levels?" I asked.

"Oh that's quite simple. It's the building's duty to confuse the mind." Avanstein said clearly.

"Duty?" Vice questioned.

"Yes, Mr Du-Pont, duty." Avanstein responded.

"Whoever built this place is one sketchy motherfucker." Vice spoke. The rest of us nodded in agreement.

I felt a small tug on my arm but chose to ignore it. Until it happened a second, then third time.

I looked down to see Riven tugging at my arm and pointing towards the glass doors of the entrance. 

It looked so dark out. I could've sworn that it was clear as day when I set off on my little 'quest'.

"Mr Avanstein?" I asked.

"Is everything alright, Miss Darcey?" He responded.

"What happened to, uh, outside?" I paused. "Surely so much time couldn't have have passed so quickly?" I questioned.

"I'm not so sure the world is right anymore. It seems like something has corrupted it." Avanstein spoke with a sigh.

"We ha-have to go out th-there?" Klaude stuttered as he pointed towards the doors.

"Before you leave the 'sanctuary' of the building, however, I must warn you." We could practically hear the air quotes.

"Warn us about what?" Noire asked silently.

"My boss isn't necessarily the man behind all this. Well he certainly isn't the only one." Avanstein warned.

"He has a partner doesn't he? Cthulhu save us now." Pene sighed.

"I'm afraid that he does, and his partner is much more vile than he." Avanstein spoke softly.

"Don't worry Mister Avanstein, we'll be careful." Angel said.

"Thank you, Angel." Avanstein spoke. "The rest of you may go on ahead, I'd like to speak to Miss Darcey for a moment. If you wouldn't mind that is." 

"No, of course. We'll wait for her outside." Pene gave me a faint smile before her and the others stepped outside.

"You have to be careful, all of you. The two men you and your friends will deal with are much more dangerous than you think." Avanstein spoke. 

"My boss' partner made it his own personal goal to tamper with memories. Out of all the 8000 patients here, he wanted to mess with yours specifically." He sighed. 

"He wanted to make sure that you forgot all about him. It backfired because not only did he make you forget himself, he also made you forget many more things that are important to you."

I felt myself get nauseous as soon as he said that number. "8000? As in 8000 children?"

"I'm afraid so, Miss Darcey."

"How many?" I asked.

"I'm not sure I understand."

"How many survived?"

"12." He responded.

"You're telling me that thousands of children died all because of some sick and twisted psycho?" I questioned.

"You don't believe that both of them are responsible?" Avanstein asked.

"Isn't it obvious that they both had different views? One clearly wanted violence and cruelty. The other wanted the opposite, he wanted to be a saviour. It was a war zone of conflict and children just happened to be in no man's land." I said.

There was a short moment of silence. I thought about joining the others outside, but there was something I had to know.

"What did he do to my memories? What else did he make me forget?"

Avanstein sighed heavily, he almost sounded sad.. "He made you forget people who were an important part of your life, certain places and special things." 

There was a small pause. "He also made you forget that you can become uncontrollably angry when someone pushes you too far over the edge."

"That's why I snapped and threatened Vice when he kept referring to me as 'Princess', isn't it?" I paused. "It felt so out of the blue, yet so normal. Like I'd done it a thousand times before, only to a different person."

"Will you promise me one thing, Miss Darcey?" He asked.

"Of course, anything." I answered.

"Don't tell the others about how many have perished.."

"You must know that they'll find out eventually."

"I know, Miss Darcey. I want to make sure those smiles are kept on their faces for as long as you can. They finally have a reason to do it since their souls have been set free from the catacombs."

"I will." I sigh. "Will this be the last time we ever hear of you?"

"You will hear of me again, Miss Darcey. In a much better situation I hope."

"Goodbye, Mister Avanstein. For now." I said as I went to join the others.

At least I know why it was so dark out.

The entire building was surrounded by nature. Nature that had grown in a matter of hours.

"Looks like we get to be jungle explorers." Violet stated proudly.

"For God's sake Violet." Noire mumbled.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 12 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 13 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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