Chapter 7: Separated Becomes Reunited

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long, I had writer's block and a lot of other work to do

Pene's P.O.V

"I never thought that an eyeball could be something so sinister. How is something like that even remotely possible?" Noire spoke up. She didn't seem to speak that much, it was clear that Violet is the more talkative out of the two of them.

"Even the most innocent things can become harmful." I spoke in almost a whisper.

"So they turned a little girl into a monster?" Violet choked out. "Why would they do that?"

"Why wouldn't they?" I spat. "Some people think it's their God-given right to play with life." That came out harsher than I intended, I could tell by the looks on their faces. "Sorry," I spoke softly. "I shouldn't really be getting angry at you. You're victims of this too."

Noire looked confused. "You said your name was Pene?"

I blinked. "Yes. P-E-N-E, why?"

"Like Penelope?" Noire asked, her tone was soft.

"Yes. Have you seen my brother anywhere..?" For someone so reserved she seems incredibly observant.

"You're one half of the Visól twins.." She said, her voice in an almost inaudible whisper. "I've heard about you before."

"I'm guessing you haven't seen your brother in a very, very long time." Violet piped up.

"No...I haven't." A sigh escaped my lips. "I've lost all hope that he's still alive at this point..."

"You'd know if he was dead." Violet spoke, a happy feeling was radiating from her. Noire silently nodded in agreement. 

"H-how?" Confusion was woven into my voice.

"Trust me, you'd know." Violet smiled. "It'd feel like half of your very being had shattered if he was gone."

"You're sure?" I asked.

"Yes I'm sure! Now can we just leave, this place has given me jeebies to my heebies." Violet turned and walked back out of the door she came through, so we followed

And there...we waited.

Klaude's P.O.V

Lizzie is the most supporting and empathetic person I've met in this entire building. When I told her about my ghost lady issue, she wasn't freaked out but instead seemed rather intrigued.

"Klaude, have you ever left this room?" Lizzie asked.

"N-no...and I've never even attempted to leave."

"Were you afraid that if somebody heard something, anything, you would've been punished?"

I let out a soft chuckle and smiled. "Something along those lines.."

"There are two separate rooms on this level. Who is in the other?"

"I'm assuming it's my sister...t-twin sister. Her n-name is Pene, sh-short for Penelope." I sighed sadly. "Although it's been quite a while, I'm sure she's still alive."

"You would know if she was dead. Twins and close siblings have that sort of connection." Lizzie gave a reassuring smile. "I felt empty when my Mother took my little brother away from me." She said as a soft sigh fell from her lips.

I looked at the door and sighed.

"I think it's about time I free you from your imprisonment." Lizzie spoke, calmly, as she walked towards the door and opened it. 

I saw a person I'd never thought I'd see again....

"Penelope..." I breathed. She didn't say anything, it was just a big grin as she enveloped me into a tight, but loving, hug which I gladly returned.

We broke the hug and stared happily at each other, still in disbelief that we had been reunited after all this time. "Thank you so much for bringing us back together. How can we ever repay you?" I said, turning to the group.

"Now can we get the fuck out of here?" Violet asked.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 7 of Echos In The Catacombs
Chapter 8 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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