Chapter 41: Confrontations and Confessions pt.1

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A/N: Jacob Hydde (35) ^

Lizzie's P.O.V

We were together again, all 8 of us. 

We thought the worst was behind us now.

That every obstacle had been cleared.

But we were wrong.

We still hadn't found the man that saved us.

Nor had we found Avanstein.

That was about to change.

We found him.

The man who saved our lives that is, not Avanstein.

"I don't believe it." Violet stated.

"Don't believe what, Violet?" I asked.

"I don't believe that we've managed to track down the man that risked everything just to keep us alive."

"M-maybe he had good r-reason." Klaude spoke.

"If he had good reason, then I want to know that reason. Because from what I've seen, keeping us alive did nothing to help anyone." Vice added.

"I don't even know how we managed to find this man in the first place." Angel said with a sigh.

"When Lizzie was dealing with those other guards, he was leaving us clues." Noire spoke softly.

"So we followed the clues to find the man?" Angel said slowly as if her brain was still processing the information just given to her.

"Yes." Pene spoke slowly.

"Oh." Angel replied.

"What exactly were these clues that you found?" I asked.

"Well, they were scraps of fabric and paper that all had small numbers in the top left corner." Violet  paused. "They all had weird shapes drawn on them, and when you put them together like a strange jigsaw puzzle it became a picture of the clock tower."

"There was also a riddle on the back so we were able to find the next clue." Pene added.

"So onward to the clock tower we go." I said with a nod.

And the clock tower is where we waited.

Usually Eastfell is bustling with people.

But today it just felt so empty and desolate.

Then we noticed a young gentleman walking towards us.

He looked like he was dressed from some historical era..

Possibly more than one.

"So you followed the clues and worked out the puzzle." He spoke in an accent much like a Victorian gentleman, who's home resides in the countryside, would.

Violet pointed at the man. "I may have the IQ of a peanut, but I am times."

"That makes so much sense coming from you." Pene sighed.

"I'm sure you're much more intelligent than you give yourself credit for." The man spoke.

"Violet did find most of the clues, sir." Noire said.

"I like finding things." Violet spoke in a whisper.

"So it would seem." The gentleman added with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh hello Mister Jacob, when did you get here?" Angel asked. She clearly hadn't been paying attention.

"You're the person she kept blabbing on about?" Vice asked.

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